'NATO'源自英语,是北约(North Atlantic Treaty Organization)的缩写。它是一个由北美和欧洲国家组成的政治和军事联盟,旨在保护成员国的安全和防御共同威胁。NATO成立于xx年,总部设在比利时的布鲁塞尔。
1. NATO was created in response to the perceived threat of Soviet expansionism.(NATO建立是为了应对苏联扩张的威胁。)
2. The United States is a key member of NATO.(美国是北约的重要成员国。)
3. NATO forces have been deployed in Afghanistan since 2001.(北约部队自xx年以来一直驻扎在阿富汗。)
4. The NATO summit will be held in Brussels next month.(北约峰会将于下个月在布鲁塞尔举行。)
5. The NATO alliance has been crucial in maintaining peace and stability in Europe.(北约联盟在维护欧洲的和平与稳定方面起着至关重要的作用。)
6. NATO's military capabilities have been strengthened in recent years.(近年来,北约的军事能力得到了加强。)
7. The United Kingdom has committed to increasing its defense spending as part of its NATO obligations.(英国承诺在履行北约义务的同时增加国防支出。)
8. NATO operates under the principle of collective defense.(北约运作在集体防御原则下。)
9. The NATO Secretary General gave a speech at the annual security conference in Munich.(北约秘书长在慕尼黑年度安全会议上发表了讲话。)