1. shogun是日语词语,中文翻译为“将军”。
2. 在日本历史上,shogun是指统治日本的军事领袖。最早的shogun是源赖朝,其后幕府时代的将军也都使用这一头衔。
3. 他成为了继承幕府的第十三任将军。- He became the 13th shogun to inherit the shogunate.
4. 江户幕府时代的shogun都居住在江户城内。- Shoguns during the Edo period resided in Edo Castle.
5. 著名的shogun德川家光统治了日本长达xx年。- The famous shogun Tokugawa Iemitsu ruled Japan for 50 years.
6. shogun不仅掌握了军队,还有官职、土地等政治资源。- Shoguns not only controlled the military, but also political resources such as official positions and land.
7. 这个漫画讲述了古代日本的shogun与忍者们的故事。- This manga tells the story of ancient Japan's shoguns and ninjas.
8. shogun的权力在幕府时代逐渐被大名们夺取。- The power of the shoguns was gradually taken by the daimyos during the shogunate period.
9. 在幕府时代,shogun对于日本政治的影响是不容忽视的。- During the shogunate period, the influence of the shoguns on Japanese politics was significant.