Euskelosaurus是什么意思 Euskelosaurus的读音、翻译、用法

Euskelosaurus是什么意思 Euskelosaurus的读音、翻译、用法



1. Euskelosaurus在科学界已经被广泛研究了。(中文:Euskelosaurus has been extensively studied in the scientific community.)

2. Euskelosaurus的化石遗骸在南非被发现。(中文:Fossil remains of Euskelosaurus have been discovered in South Africa.)

3. 历史学家认为,Euskelosaurus生活在1.5亿年前。(中文:Historians believe that Euskelosaurus lived around 150 million years ago.)

4. Euskelosaurus非常大,身长可以达到20米。(中文:Euskelosaurus was very large, reaching lengths of up to 20 meters.)

5. Euskelosaurus有着强壮的腿部和颈部,可以迅速奔跑并伸长到树上的叶子。(中文:Euskelosaurus had strong legs and necks, allowing them to run quickly and reach leaves on trees.)

6. 研究人员已经成功重建了Euskelosaurus的骨架。(中文:Researchers have successfully reconstructed the skeleton of Euskelosaurus.)

7. 在南非的博物馆里,你可以看到Euskelosaurus的化石展示。(中文:In museums in South Africa, you can see fossil displays of Euskelosaurus.)

8. Euskelosaurus已经灭绝了,但是它的化石遗迹为科学家提供了许多重要的信息。(中文:Although Euskelosaurus is extinct, its fossil remains provide important information for scientists.)

9. Euskelosaurus的体形被认为是蜥脚类恐龙的模板之一。(中文:The body shape of Euskelosaurus is considered one of the templates for sauropod dinosaurs.)

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