'Lolium' 不是任何国家的语言,它是一种植物的学名,通常被称为黑麦草。黑麦草是一种常见的草本植物,广泛分布于世界各地。它通常用作饲料、草坪和运动场地的覆盖物。下面是包含'Lolium'的9个例句,其中使用了英语。
1. The soccer field was covered in 'Lolium' grass.
2. The cow was grazing on the 'Lolium' pasture.
3. 'Lolium' is a common component of seed mixtures for lawns.
4. The farmer planted 'Lolium' as a cover crop.
5. 'Lolium' is a cool-season grass that prefers cooler temperatures.
6. The horse was fed 'Lolium' hay for dinner.
7. The golf course was maintained with a blend of 'Lolium' and other grasses.
8. The park ranger recommended planting 'Lolium' to prevent soil erosion.
9. The sheep were happily grazing on the 'Lolium' meadow.