1. 微笑的Dharmapala在佛教寺庙里齐齐欢迎我们。
The smiling Dharmapala warmly welcomed us in the Buddhist temple.
2. 在修行过程中,Dharmapala会给予我们帮助和指引。
During the practice, Dharmapala will give us help and guidance.
3. 我们在庆祝Dharmapala的节日。
We are celebrating the festival of Dharmapala.
4. Dharmapala的威力和神圣的力量超出了我们的想象。
The power and divine energy of Dharmapala are beyond our imagination.
5. Dharmapala的形象被描绘成独角兽或狮子等。
The image of Dharmapala is depicted as a unicorn or lion, etc.
6. Dharmapala的主要任务是保护佛教教义。
The main function of Dharmapala is to protect Buddhist teachings.
7. Dharmapala是一位善良而神秘的神灵。
Dharmapala is a kind and mysterious deity.
8. Dharmapala在佛教中被供奉为护法神。
Dharmapala is worshiped as a Dharmapala deity in Buddhism.
9. 我们可以通过向Dharmapala祈祷来获得保护和祝福。
We can obtain protection and blessings by praying to Dharmapala.