jatoba是什么意思 jatoba的读音、翻译、用法

jatoba是什么意思 jatoba的读音、翻译、用法


1. 巴西苹果树

2. 珍珠树

3. 堪培拉树

4. 贝加尔松



1. A jatoba tree can grow up to 30 meters tall. (巴西苹果树可以长到30米高。)

2. Jatoba wood is often used for outdoor furniture due to its durability. (由于其耐用性,巴西苹果树木材通常被用于户外家具。)

3. The jatoba fruit is rich in minerals and vitamins. (巴西苹果树果实富含矿物质和维生素。)

4. The bark of the jatoba tree has medicinal properties. (巴西苹果树的树皮具有药用价值。)

5. The jatoba tree is a common sight in the Amazon Rainforest. (巴西苹果树在亚马逊雨林中很常见。)

6. The flooring of this room is made from jatoba wood. (这个房间的地板是由巴西苹果树木材制成的。)

7. The jatoba tree is a popular choice among carpenters for its strength and versatility. (由于其强度和多功能性,巴西苹果树是木匠们的首选。)

8. The jatoba fruit is often used to make jams and juices. (巴西苹果树果实经常被用来制作果酱和果汁。)

9. The jatoba tree is known for its large, sturdy trunk. (巴西苹果树以其粗大、坚固的树干而闻名。)

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