1. Scutigerella是具有十四对腿的蜈蚣形动物。
(Scutigerella is a centipede-like organism with fourteen pairs of legs.)
2. Scutigerella的身体非常柔软,可以顺着任何空隙钻进去。
(The body of Scutigerella is extremely flexible and can wriggle through any gap.)
3. Scutigerella在热带和亚热带地区比较常见。
(Scutigerella is more commonly found in tropical and subtropical regions.)
4. Scutigerella体内含有毒素,如果被咬可以引起疼痛和肿胀。
(Scutigerella contains toxins in its body, which can cause pain and swelling if bitten.)
5. Scutigerella喜欢隐藏在潮湿的地方,如浴室和地下室。
(Scutigerella likes to hide in damp places, such as bathrooms and basements.)
6. Scutigerella通常在夜间活动,白天躲在暗处休息。
(Scutigerella is usually active at night and rests in dark places during the day.)
7. Scutigerella的颜色多样,从黄色到棕色不等。
(Scutigerella comes in a variety of colors, ranging from yellow to brown.)
8. Scutigerella的寿命大约为2至xx年。
(The lifespan of Scutigerella is approximately 2 to 3 years.)
9. Scutigerella的身体上有许多细小的毛细血管,可以帮助它呼吸。
(Scutigerella has many small capillaries on its body, which help it breathe.)