1. Guignardia在葡萄园中的扩散速度很快,会对葡萄果实造成损害。(中文翻译:Guignardia disseminates quickly in vineyards, causing damage to grape fruits.)
2. 桃树上的Guignardia导致果实萎缩。(中文翻译:Guignardia on peach trees causes fruit to wither.)
3. 这个果园的Guignardia感染率很低,因为他们注重药物预防。(中文翻译:The Guignardia infection rate in this orchard is low due to their emphasis on preventive medication.)
4. 洋葱和大蒜叶子上的Guignardia是许多农民的头痛。(中文翻译:Guignardia on onion and garlic leaves is a headache for many farmers.)
5. Guignardia菌株的研究是为了找到更有效的对抗方法。(中文翻译:Research on Guignardia strains is being conducted to find more effective methods of control.)
6. 这种药物对Guignardia有很好的杀菌效果。(中文翻译:This medication has a good fungicidal effect on Guignardia.)
7. Guignardia病在南美洲的柑橘产业中造成了重大损失。(中文翻译:Guignardia disease has caused significant losses in the citrus industry in South America.)
8. Guignardia的生态学研究有助于理解其影响和传播方式。(中文翻译:Ecological studies on Guignardia help to understand its impact and means of spread.)
9. 这个果园需要定期检查Guignardia的感染情况。(中文翻译:This orchard needs regular checks for Guignardia infection.)