Mythimna separata是什么意思 Mythimna separata的读音、翻译、用法

Mythimna separata是什么意思 Mythimna separata的读音、翻译、用法

'Mythimna separata'是英文,中文可以翻译为小麦螟。



1. Mythimna separata is an important pest of wheat in China. (小麦螟是中国重要的小麦害虫。)

2. The population dynamics of Mythimna separata vary with temperature and rainfall. (小麦螟的种群动态与温度和降雨量有关。)

3. We used pheromone-baited traps to monitor the population of Mythimna separata. (我们使用信息素诱捕器监测小麦螟的种群。)

4. The larvae of Mythimna separata feed on the leaves of wheat plants. (小麦螟幼虫以小麦植株的叶子为食。)

5. Farmers use chemical insecticides to control Mythimna separata infestation. (农民使用化学杀虫剂控制小麦螟的侵扰。)

6. The life cycle of Mythimna separata includes eggs, larvae, pupae, and adults. (小麦螟的生命周期包括卵、幼虫、蛹和成虫。)

7. The economic impact of Mythimna separata infestation on wheat production is significant. (小麦螟对小麦生产的经济影响显著。)

8. The distribution and abundance of Mythimna separata vary from year to year. (小麦螟的分布和数量因年份而异。)

9. Integrated pest management is recommended as a sustainable approach to control Mythimna separata. (综合管理是控制小麦螟的可持续方法。)

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