'Atherigona soccata'是一种昆虫,是黑荚蝇的一种。这个词语起源于拉丁语,其中Atherigona指“荚蝇属”,soccata则是“入侵、攻击”的意思。所以,'Atherigona soccata'可以翻译为“入侵的荚蝇”。
这个词语通常用于农业领域的研究中,因为'Atherigona soccata'是一种重要的农业害虫,会在豆类作物上产卵,导致豆荚被侵蚀而无法正常生长。农民们需要采取措施控制'Atherigona soccata'的数量,以保证作物能够正常生长。
以下是9个含有'Atherigona soccata'的例句:
1. Atherigona soccata是一种严重的害虫,会对花生作物造成毁灭性的危害。
(Atherigona soccata is a serious pest that causes devastating damage to peanut crops.)
2. 这个季节Atherigona soccata的数量特别多,我们需要立即采取措施。
(The number of Atherigona soccata is particularly high this season, we need to take immediate action.)
3. 豆类作物是Atherigona soccata喜欢的食物,因此生产者需要格外小心。
(Legume crops are favored by Atherigona soccata, so producers need to be extra careful.)
4. 农民们普遍认为Atherigona soccata的危害比其他害虫更严重。
(Farmers generally believe that Atherigona soccata is more harmful than other pests.)
5. 在一些地区,Atherigona soccata已经成为了最大的农业问题。
(In some areas, Atherigona soccata has become the biggest agricultural problem.)
6. 长期以来,农民们一直努力应对Atherigona soccata对生产的影响。
(Farmers have long been working to mitigate the impact of Atherigona soccata on production.)
7. 研究表明,一些天然植物提取物可以有效地控制Atherigona soccata的数量。
(Studies have shown that some natural plant extracts can effectively control the number of Atherigona soccata.)
8. 最近的一项研究发现,Atherigona soccata的数量与降雨量密切相关。
(A recent study found that the number of Atherigona soccata is closely related to rainfall.)
9. 农民们需要特别关注Atherigona soccata的数量,以避免豆荚的损失。
(Farmers need to pay special attention to the number of Atherigona soccata to avoid losses to the bean pods.)