'Pit bull'这个词源于英语,它是指一种体型较小但非常强壮、勇敢、敏捷的犬种,被广泛应用于护卫、医疗工作以及娱乐活动中。它通常被翻译成“斗牛犬”,这是由于该犬种曾用于狗斗。现今,它的用法不仅指代该犬种,还泛指具有攻击性的犬种。
以下是9个使用“pit bull”的例句:
1. The pit bull Terrier is a loyal and fearless breed of dog. (美国英语) 斗牛犬是一种忠诚勇敢的犬种。
2. Pit bulls are highly intelligent, which makes them excellent working dogs. (英国英语) 斗牛犬非常聪明,这使得它们成为优秀的工作犬。
3. Two pit bulls were involved in a vicious dog attack yesterday. (澳大利亚英语) 昨天有两只斗牛犬参与了一起狠毒的狗攻击事件。
4. Many people believe pit bulls are naturally aggressive, but this is a misconception. (新西兰英语) 许多人认为斗牛犬天生具有攻击性,但这是一个误解。
5. The tabloid ran a sensational headline about a pit bull attack in the city. (加拿大英语) 小报刊登了一篇轰动性的头条新闻,报道了该市的一起斗牛犬攻击事件。
6. Pit bulls are often used in therapy programs to help people with disabilities or mental illness. (美国英语) 斗牛犬常常被用于治疗计划中,帮助残疾人和精神疾病患者。
7. A man was fined for walking his pit bull without a leash in a public park. (英国英语) 一名男子因在公园里不系绳子遛斗牛犬而受到罚款。
8. Pit bull owners should take responsibility for their pets' behavior and train them properly. (加拿大英语) 斗牛犬的主人应该对宠物的行为负责,并进行适当的训练。
9. The film features a pit bull as the main character's faithful companion. (澳大利亚英语) 电影中有一只斗牛犬作为主人公的忠诚伙伴。