'Ann Arbor'是英语,中文翻译为"安阿伯"。
Ann Arbor是美国密歇根州的一个城市,位于底特律以西大约40英里(64公里)处。是密歇根州第六大城市,是该州大学城的代表,因密歇根大学位于该市而著名。Ann Arbor因其富有活力的文化氛围,被评为全美最佳旅游城市之一。
以下是9个含有Ann Arbor的例句:
1. I graduated from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. (我毕业于密歇根大学安阿伯分校)
2. Ann Arbor is known for its vibrant arts scene.(安阿伯以其充满活力的艺术氛围而著名)
3. The Ann Arbor Film Festival is an annual event that showcases independent films.(安阿伯电影节是xx年一度的活动,展示独立电影)
4. I went to a great restaurant in Ann Arbor last night.(昨晚我去了安阿伯一家很棒的餐厅)
5. The city of Ann Arbor has a strong commitment to sustainability.(安阿伯市致力于可持续发展)
6. The University of Michigan Libraries in Ann Arbor has an extensive collection of rare books.(密歇根大学安阿伯分校图书馆拥有丰富的珍稀书籍收藏)
7. Ann Arbor has a diverse and eclectic music scene.(安阿伯拥有多样化和怪异的音乐场景)
8. I met my spouse while attending graduate school in Ann Arbor.(我在安阿伯读研究生期间认识了我的配偶)
9. There are many parks and outdoor recreational activities in and around Ann Arbor.(安阿伯及其周边有许多公园和户外娱乐活动可供选择)