Khieu Samphan是柬埔寨语的词语,中文翻译为“反帝爱国者”。
Khieu Samphan是柬埔寨共产党的重要领导人之一,曾在xx年至xx年期间担任过柬埔寨国家元首。他在柬埔寨内战期间一直支持反抗西方势力的共产主义运动,在政治、经济和军事等方面发挥了重要作用。
以下是9个含有Khieu Samphan的例句:
1. Khieu Samphan曾是柬埔寨共产党的领导人之一。
(Khieu Samphan was one of the leaders of the Cambodian Communist Party.)
2. Khieu Samphan在xx年至xx年期间担任过柬埔寨国家元首。
(Khieu Samphan served as the head of state of Cambodia from 1975 to 1979.)
3. Khieu Samphan是柬埔寨内战期间的主要领导人之一。
(Khieu Samphan was one of the main leaders during the Cambodian Civil War.)
4. Khieu Samphan在政治、经济和军事等方面发挥了重要作用。
(Khieu Samphan played an important role in politics, economy and military, etc.)
5. Khieu Samphan被控实施种族灭绝罪。
(Khieu Samphan was charged with crimes against humanity.)
6. Khieu Samphan被认为是柬埔寨红色高棉政权的支持者。
(Khieu Samphan was considered a supporter of the Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia.)
7. Khieu Samphan曾试图为红色高棉政权辩护。
(Khieu Samphan tried to defend the Khmer Rouge regime.)
8. Khieu Samphan最终被判处终身监禁。
(Khieu Samphan was eventually sentenced to life imprisonment.)
9. Khieu Samphan的政治生涯给柬埔寨带来了巨大的变革和破坏。
(Khieu Samphan's political career brought about tremendous changes and destruction to Cambodia.)