1. 'Cambisoles'是英语中的词语,可以翻译为“松散壤土”,是指土壤中的一种类型。这种土壤在土壤孔隙和空隙中含有较多的空气和水分,适合作物生长。
2. 这种土壤在根部和幼苗营养吸收方面非常适合,但是如果土壤太松散,可能会导致水分和营养物质流失过快。
3. Cambisoles are soils with a low clay content, suitable for growing crops with shallow roots.
(Cambisoles 是一种粘粒含量较低的土壤,适合种植浅根的作物。)
4. Despite their low fertility, Cambisols are widely used for crop production in some regions of the world.
(尽管其肥力较低,Cambisols 在世界某些地区被广泛用于农作物生产。)
5. The main advantage of Cambisols is their easy cultivation and management.
(Cambisols 的主要优点是易于耕种和管理。)
6. Cambisols are common in areas with high precipitation and low weathering rates.
(Cambisols 在高降雨和低风化速率的地区很常见。)
7. The fertility of Cambisols can be improved through the addition of organic matter and fertilizers.
(通过添加有机物和肥料可以改善 Cambisols 的肥力。)
8. The development of Cambisols is influenced by climate, parent material, vegetation, and topography.
(Cambisols 的发育受气候、母质、植被和地形的影响。)
9. Cambisols are important for sustainable agriculture, as they can be managed with low inputs and have a low environmental impact.
(Cambisols 对于可持续农业至关重要,因为它们可以低投入管理,对环境影响小。)