Buffalo Bill是什么意思 Buffalo Bill的读音、翻译、用法

Buffalo Bill是什么意思 Buffalo Bill的读音、翻译、用法

'Buffalo Bill'这个词语来源于英语,是指美国西部历史上著名的牛仔、猎手和表演者威廉·富兰克林·科迪(William Franklin Cody)的昵称。



以下是9个含有'Buffalo Bill'这个词语的例句:

1. Buffalo Bill was a skilled buffalo hunter and Indian fighter in the American West.(野牛比尔是美国西部的一名熟练的野牛猎手和印第安人战士。)

2. Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show was a popular entertainment spectacle that toured throughout the United States and Europe in the late 1800s.(野牛比尔的西部马戏团是19世纪末在美国和欧洲巡回演出的一种受欢迎的娱乐表演。)

3. Many famous cowboys, such as Wild Bill Hickok and Buffalo Bill, became legends of the American West.(许多著名的牛仔,如野蛮比尔·希科克和野牛比尔,成为了美国西部的传奇人物。)

4. Buffalo Bill's show featured trick riding, sharpshooting, and other daring feats that amazed audiences wherever they went.(野牛比尔的表演以特技骑行、射击和其他惊险的表演吸引了无数观众。)

5. Buffalo Bill was also known for his role in the Indian Wars, where he fought against Native American tribes in the American West.(野牛比尔还因在美国西部与印第安部落交战中的表现而闻名。)

6. Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show helped to popularize the image of the American cowboy and spread it around the world.(野牛比尔的西部马戏团推广了美国牛仔形象,并将其传播到了世界各地。)

7. Buffalo Bill's skill with a rifle was legendary, and he was often called upon to demonstrate his marksmanship in public exhibitions.(野牛比尔的步枪技巧是传奇的,他经常被要求在公开展示中展示他的射击技巧。)

8. Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show was a unique blend of entertainment, education, and cultural exchange that showcased the diversity of the American West.(野牛比尔的西部马戏团是一种独特的娱乐、教育和文化交流方式,展示了美国西部的多样性。)

9. Buffalo Bill's legacy as a symbol of the American frontier continues to inspire artists, writers, and filmmakers today.(野牛比尔作为美国边疆的象征的遗产,继续激发着今天的艺术家、作家和电影制片人的创意。)

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