The Who是什么意思 The Who的读音、翻译、用法

The Who是什么意思 The Who的读音、翻译、用法

'The Who'是英国乐队的名称。可以用中文翻译为“谁人乐队”。这个词语通常用于指代该英国乐队,尤其是在音乐领域。

以下是9个含有'The Who'的例句:

1. The Who的歌曲经常出现在电影中。(The Who's songs often appear in movies.)

2. The Who是一个非常有名的摇滚乐队。(The Who is a very famous rock band.)

3. 这首歌是The Who的代表作之一。(This song is one of The Who's representative works.)

4. The Who在xx年代的英伦摇滚领域非常活跃。(The Who was very active in the British rock and roll scene in the 1960s.)

5. 我非常喜欢The Who的音乐。(I really like The Who's music.)

6. 在音乐节上听到The Who的现场演出是一件很棒的事情。(Hearing The Who's live performance at a music festival is a great experience.)

7. 我收藏了很多The Who的唱片。(I have a lot of The Who's records in my collection.)

8. The Who的歌曲往往具有强烈的反叛精神。(The Who's songs often have a strong rebellious spirit.)

9. 没有The Who可能就没有今天的摇滚乐。(Without The Who, there might not be today's rock and roll.)

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