'rheum rhabarbarum'是拉丁语,意为大黄根。它是指一种植物,即大黄(学名:Rheum palmatum),是一种多年生草本植物,原产于中国西部,现在也分布于欧洲和北美洲。
1. Rhubarb is a vegetable that has been cultivated in Asia for thousands of years.(大黄是一种在亚洲培育了几千年的蔬菜。)
2. The leaves of rhubarb are toxic and can cause serious health problems.(大黄的叶子有毒,会引起严重的健康问题。)
3. Rhubarb can be used in sweet and savory dishes.(大黄可以用于甜味和咸味的菜肴。)
4. The tart flavor of rhubarb pairs well with strawberries in desserts.(大黄的酸味与草莓在甜点中配合得很好。)
5. Rhubarb is a good source of vitamin C and dietary fiber.(大黄是维生素C和膳食纤维的良好来源。)
6. Rhubarb is often used to make jams and preserves.(大黄通常用于制作果酱和蜜饯。)
7. Rhubarb can be stewed with sugar and used as a topping for ice cream or cakes.(大黄可以与糖一起炖煮,用作冰淇淋或蛋糕的配料。)
8. Rhubarb leaves can be used to make a natural insecticide.(大黄的叶子可以用来制作天然杀虫剂。)
9. Some people use rhubarb as a laxative or to treat digestive problems.(有些人使用大黄作为泻药或治疗消化问题。)