'efecto Bandwagon'这个词语来源于英语,意思是随大流效应。它指的是因为群体行为而导致的某种趋势或行为模式的扩大。
1. The 'efecto Bandwagon' is affecting the sales of this product.(随大流效应正在影响此产品的销量。)
2. Politicians often use the 'efecto Bandwagon' to gain more supporters.(政治家经常利用随大流效应来获得更多的支持者。)
3. The 'efecto Bandwagon' can lead to a loss of individuality.(随大流效应可能导致个性的丧失。)
4. Social media has made the 'efecto Bandwagon' even more powerful.(社交媒体让随大流效应变得更加强大。)
5. The 'efecto Bandwagon' is not always a bad thing.(随大流效应并不总是一件坏事。)
6. Companies often try to create the 'efecto Bandwagon' to increase demand for their products.(公司经常试图创造随大流效应来增加对其产品的需求。)
7. The 'efecto Bandwagon' can lead to irrational decision-making.(随大流效应可能导致不理性的决策。)
8. The media plays a big role in creating the 'efecto Bandwagon'.(媒体在创造随大流效应方面扮演着重要的角色。)
9. The 'efecto Bandwagon' can be difficult to resist.(随大流效应有时难以抗拒。)