而根据网络搜索的结果,'colirubia'可能是一种糖尿病药物:Colesevelam Hydrochloride Tablets (Brand Name: Colirubia),但是这个药物的生产商并未透露这个名称的来源或含义。
1. Colirubia is the safest and most effective treatment for high cholesterol. (Colirubia是治疗高胆固醇最安全、最有效的药物。)
2. Find a doctor who can prescribe Colirubia for you. (找一个能为您开Colirubia处方的医生。)
3. I have been taking Colirubia for three months now and my cholesterol level has improved significantly. (我已经服用Colirubia三个月了,我的胆固醇水平有了显著的改善。)
4. The side effects of Colirubia are usually mild and temporary. (Colirubia的副作用通常是温和和暂时的。)
5. Colirubia works by binding to bile acids in the intestine, which helps to lower cholesterol levels in the body. (Colirubia的作用是结合肠道中的胆汁酸,帮助降低体内的胆固醇水平。)
6. Colirubia may interact with other medications you are taking, so it is important to inform your doctor of all the medicines you are using. (Colirubia可能与您正在服用的其他药物发生相互作用,因此告知医生您使用的所有药物非常重要。)
7. Before taking Colirubia, tell your doctor if you have a history of bowel obstruction or pancreatitis. (在使用Colirubia之前,告诉您的医生如果您有肠梗阻或胰腺炎的病史。)
8. Colirubia should be taken with plenty of water and with a meal to maximize its effectiveness. (应该在饭后大量饮水服用Colirubia,以最大限度地发挥其药效。)
9. If you experience severe stomach pain, vomiting or difficulty swallowing after taking Colirubia, seek medical attention immediately. (如果在服用Colirubia后出现严重的胃痛、呕吐或吞咽困难,请立即寻求医疗帮助。)