1. 我的电脑配备了BENQ的显示器。- My computer is equipped with a BENQ monitor.
2. BENQ的投影仪非常适合商务会议。- BENQ's projector is very suitable for business meetings.
3. 我非常喜欢BENQ的鼠标,因为它很灵敏。- I really like BENQ's mouse because it is very sensitive.
4. 老师用BENQ的白板展示他的课程内容。- The teacher displays his course content using BENQ's whiteboard.
5. BENQ的笔记本电脑非常便携。- BENQ's laptop is very portable.
6. 我的手机屏幕是BENQ的,非常清晰。- My phone screen is BENQ's, very clear.
7. BENQ的照相机特别好用,照片清晰明亮。- BENQ's camera is particularly easy to use, and the photos are clear and bright.
8. 我最喜欢BENQ的音响,音质非常好。- My favorite BENQ speakers have excellent sound quality.
9. BENQ的电子游戏设备非常受欢迎。- BENQ's electronic gaming devices are very popular.