slot canyon是什么意思 slot canyon的读音、翻译、用法

slot canyon是什么意思 slot canyon的读音、翻译、用法

'slot canyon'这个词语来源于英语,指的是一种裂隙峡谷,通常是河流在岩石中形成的深而狭窄的峡谷。这种峡谷的特点是两侧的岩壁非常陡峭,没有明显的河床,而是有一条细长的水流通道。这种峡谷主要分布在美国西南地区的沙漠中,比较有名的有安蒂洛普峡谷和布赖斯峡谷。

以下是9个含有'slot canyon'的例句:

1. Antelope Canyon is a famous slot canyon in Arizona. 安蒂洛普峡谷是亚利桑那州著名的裂隙峡谷。

2. The hikers squeezed through the narrow slot canyon. 徒步旅行者挤过狭窄的裂隙峡谷。

3. The walls of the slot canyon were smooth and polished from the flowing water. 裂隙峡谷的岩壁因为流水的冲刷而光滑无比。

4. We saw some amazing rock formations in the slot canyon. 我们在裂隙峡谷里看到了一些惊人的岩石构造。

5. The slot canyon was so narrow that we had to walk sideways. 裂隙峡谷非常狭窄,我们只能侧着身子走。

6. The slot canyon was formed by thousands of years of erosion from the river. 裂隙峡谷是由河流几千年的冲刷侵蚀形成的。

7. We hiked through the slot canyon and saw some beautiful waterfalls. 我们徒步穿过裂隙峡谷,看到了一些美丽的瀑布。

8. The slot canyon was dark and cool, a welcome relief from the hot desert sun. 裂隙峡谷又黑又凉,让人十分欣慰,逃避了炎热的沙漠阳光。

9. The slot canyon was so narrow that we could touch both walls at the same time. 裂隙峡谷非常狭窄,我们可以同时触摸到两侧的岩壁。

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