1. The plant was infested with Aphis, causing it to wilt. (这棵植物被蚜虫寄生,导致它枯萎了。)
2. Aphis can be controlled with the use of pesticides. (蚜虫可以用杀虫剂进行控制。)
3. The leaves were covered in Aphis, making them sticky to the touch. (叶子上覆盖着蚜虫,使它们触摸起来很粘。)
4. The Aphis infestation spread quickly to neighboring plants. (蚜虫的寄生迅速蔓延到了周围的植物上。)
5. Aphis are common pests in gardens and greenhouses. (蚜虫是花园和温室中常见的害虫。)
6. The plant was treated for Aphis, and eventually recovered. (这棵植物被治疗了蚜虫,最终恢复了健康。)
7. Aphis colonies can easily be spotted on the underside of leaves. (蚜虫群落很容易被发现在叶子的下面。)
8. Ladybugs are natural predators of Aphis. (瓢虫是蚜虫的天然捕食者。)
9. Aphis can transmit diseases to plants, making them more susceptible to further damage. (蚜虫可以传播疾病给植物,使植物更容易受到进一步的损害。)