'explosion'是英语单词,意为爆炸。该词语可以用作名词或动词,表示突然的爆发或爆炸。在现代社会中,'explosion'一词也经常用于描述某些事物或现象突然迅速扩张或发展,例如,“the explosion of the internet”(互联网的迅速发展)。
1. The explosion rocked the entire building.(爆炸震动了整栋建筑。)
2. The fireworks display ended with a spectacular explosion.(烟花表演在一个惊人的爆炸中结束了。)
3. The explosion of the atomic bomb was a turning point in human history.(原子弹的爆炸是人类历史上的一个转折点。)
4. The sudden explosion of social media has transformed the way we communicate.(社交媒体的突然爆发改变了我们的交流方式。)
5. The explosion of new technologies has created many job opportunities.(新技术的爆炸创造了许多就业机会。)
6. The explosion of color in the autumn leaves was breathtaking.(秋叶中的色彩爆炸令人叹为观止。)
7. After the explosion, the survivors were shaken but grateful to be alive.(爆炸后,幸存者虽然受到了震动,但很感激自己还活着。)
8. The sudden explosion of the volcano created chaos and panic in the nearby cities.(火山的突然爆炸在附近城市引起了混乱和恐慌。)
9. The explosion of creativity in the team led to a groundbreaking innovation.(团队的创意爆发导致了一项开创性的创新。)