nonperturbatively是什么意思 nonperturbatively的中文翻译、读音、例句

nonperturbatively是什么意思 nonperturbatively的中文翻译、读音、例句



例句:It worked, didn't it? I did it! (起作用了 不是吗 Ça a marché, non?)


例句:CD36 is also strongly expressed on platelets where it is also known as platelet glycoprotein IV. (CD 36又称为血小板糖蛋白IV,在血小板表面也有很强的表达。)


1. Limpidus non carborundum est. (翻译:祸事来了 Limpidus non carborundum est.)

2. She is beautiful, isn't she? (翻译:很美的名字 对吧 Jolie, non?)

3. Oggi e molto umido, non e vero? (翻译:Oggi e molto umido, non e vero?)

4. Got an agitated non-compliant patient. (翻译:Got an agitated non -compliant patient.)

5. Maybe on Altair IV, but not on Earth. (翻译:要有也是在牵牛星上 地球上绝对没有 Si, peut -être sur Altaïr 4, mais pas sur Terre.)

6. Egemus iaculatore, non iacchi latore! (翻译:Egemus iaculatore, non iacchi latore!)

7. - Camille is for girls and boys. (翻译:-不 是男孩名 - Camille. - Non, un garçon.)

8. Non-objective fragmentation. (翻译:非客观碎片化 Non -objective fragmentation.)

9. Her sudden appearance did not seem to perturb him in the least. (翻译:她的突然出现似乎一点也没有令他不安。)

10. I repeat, a civ unaccompanied on the base. (翻译:我再说一遍,AC: IV的基础上,举目无亲。)

11. Don't we say "conversation"? (翻译:On a ici une conversation, non?)

12. At least he was with you thickest friends, right? (翻译:你们俩很情投意合吧 Vous avez des affinités, non?)

13. He doesn't even have a rocket. (翻译:也没火箭 ...Non ha almeno razzo.)

14. As a professor at M.I.T., Ely Sachs was a strong supporter of alternative energy research. (翻译:作为M.I.T .教授,Ely Sachs强烈支持替代能源的研究。)

15. Hippo in lake in Masai Mara. By Anna Dewhurst of Ely, cambridgeshire. (翻译:马赛马拉湖中的河马。)

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