nonrandom subset是什么意思 nonrandom subset的中文翻译、读音、例句

nonrandom subset是什么意思 nonrandom subset的中文翻译、读音、例句

nonrandom subset通常被翻译为"非随机子集"的意思,在英美地区还有"非随机子集"的意思,单词读音音标为[nonrandomsubset],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到92个与nonrandom subset相关的句子。

Nonrandom subset的翻译


例句:This is a subset of the tweets given the frequency of tweeters out there. (这是指定频率的Twitter用户的tweet的子集。)


nonrandom subset一般作为名词使用,如在nonrandom(非随机的)、subset(子集 )、nonrandom access(非随机存取;非随机访问)等常见短语中出现较多。

nonrandom access非随机存取;非随机访问
nonrandom damage非随机性损害
nonrandom data非随机资料
nonrandom deviation非随机偏离
nonrandom distribution非随机分布
nonrandom index非随机指数
nonrandom injury非随机性损害


1. In a subset of patients, measurement of Apo B was evaluated. (翻译:在对病人的子集,载脂蛋白B的测量进行了评价。)

2. However, the study lacked a control group and used nonrandom sampling, they noted. (翻译:然而,这项研究缺乏一个控制组并且采用的是非随机抽样,他们表示。)

3. including disruptive selection hypothesis and apostatic selection hypothesis and nonrandom mating hypothesis etc. (翻译:分化选择假说、异类选择假说和非随机性交配假说等。)

4. The evidence suggests that not only is it nonrandom and parochial, but it is difficult to come by at all. (翻译:种种证据表明,变异不仅是非随机的和发生在狭窄局部内的,而且根本就是很难获得的。)

5. The application only needs to use a subset of the data in some branches of the large ACORD XML message. (翻译:应用程序只需要使用大型ACORD XML消息的一些分支中的数据子集。)

6. It's not easy, because life uses only a subset of the elements in the periodic table. (翻译:这不容易, 因为生命只使用元素周期表上一小部份的元素。)

7. If Include is False, the Filter function returns the subset of the array that does not contain Match as a substring. (翻译:如果Include为False,则Filter函数返回不将Match作为子字符串包含在其中的数组的子集。)

8. Howeer, a subset of patients hae deelopment of glenoid arthritis and rotator cuff deficiency due to tuberosity failure. (翻译:但是,有相当一部分病人因为粗隆衰退而导致了关节盂性关节炎以及回旋肌腱群的缺损。)

9. This recordset is then used to iterate through the search results to display a given subset. (翻译:然后,使用此记录集迭代遍历搜索结果以显示给定的子集。)

10. Actually, the proposal focuses on a particular subset of megafauna, the kind that lived during the Pleistocene epoch. (翻译:实际上,这个提案关注的是生活在更新世时期的巨型动物的一个特定子集。)

11. Business logic might be run in parallel over all or just a subset of the partitions of the data. (翻译:业务逻辑可以完全并行运行,或者仅仅是数据分区的一个子集。)

12. Create a subset of the NIEM model for use in your exchange. (翻译:创建一个NIEM模型的子集以用于您的交换。)

13. But here is an example of a subset of 6,000 individuals. (翻译:但这里有一个 6000 人的子集例子。)

14. This will alert to the CodeDom tree builder of any place in their code where they don't meet subset conformance. (翻译:这样可以提醒CodeDom树生成器注意在它们的代码中那些不符合子集规范的内容所在的位置。)

15. The application only needs to use a subset of the data in some branches of the large ACORD XML message. (翻译:应用程序只需要使用大型ACORDXML消息的一些分支中的数据子集。)

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