not infrequently是什么意思 not infrequently的中文翻译、读音、例句

not infrequently是什么意思 not infrequently的中文翻译、读音、例句

not infrequently在英语中代表"常常"的意思,还有常常的意思,在线发音:[notinfrequently],not infrequently来源于英语,在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到57个与not infrequently相关的例句。

Not infrequently的翻译


例句:Flowering infrequently, sometimes only once every hundred years or so. (罕见的花季 有时在百年之内竹子才会开一次花)


not infrequently一般作为名词使用,如在infrequently(adv. 很少发生, 不常发生, 罕见, 稀罕, 偶有, 不寻常)等常见短语中出现较多。

infrequentlyadv. 很少发生, 不常发生, 罕见, 稀罕, 偶有, 不寻常


1. How can scientists detect a particle that interacts so infrequently with other matter? (翻译:科学家们是如何探测到一种很少与其他物质相互起作用的粒子的呢? )

2. It took so long to complete that it was done infrequently, if ever, and only by a small number of representatives on each team. (翻译:完成它要耗费太长的时间,以至于不经常进行,并且只由每个团队的少量代表参与。)

3. TD: And I still do get to keep in touch with my mother and father, albeit infrequently. (翻译:我仍然和 我的父母保持联系, 虽然不算频繁。)

4. If you use your MacBook or MacBook Pro infrequently, it's best to recalibrate the battery at least once a month. (翻译:如果您不经常使用MacBook或MacBookPro,则最好每个月重新校准一次电池。)

5. That in itself might not be such a problem - after all, only the infrequently used pages are shunted off to disk. (翻译:分页本身没什么问题毕竟,只是那些不经常使用的页才要被分派到磁盘中。)

6. This infrequently flowering has given this species of agave a nick name - (翻译:这种间隔久远的开花 让这种龙舌兰有了一个美名)

7. Snow leopards meet so infrequently that there is uncertainty and tension. (翻译:雪豹们鲜少碰面 以致整个场面充斥着不确定和紧张的气氛)

8. The bridge is used infrequently. (翻译:这座桥很少有人用。)

9. Well, one trick was that sometimes, the face would be upside down, and it would happen very infrequently. (翻译:不过偶尔会出现一张 上下颠倒的图片, 这个频率会非常的低。)

10. TD: And I still do get to keep in touch with my mother and father, albeit infrequently. (翻译:我仍然和 我的父母保持联系, 虽然不算频繁。)

11. So basically, if this response happens infrequently: super-necessary for my well-being and survival. (翻译:所以简单来说, 如果这种反应只是偶尔发生—— 对我的健康和生命就极为重要。)

12. It is an axiom of Internet dating that everyone allegedly has a sense of humor, even if evidence of it is infrequently on display. (翻译:互联网相亲有一条格言:每个人都据说有幽默感,即使很难在显示器上表达出来。)

13. Blossoming infrequently, but with exquisite taste... and perfect timing. (翻译:少有巅峰状态 但却有高雅品位 Blossoming infrequently, but with exquisite taste... 完美捕捉时机 and perfect timing.)

14. Caecal volvulus is an infrequently encountered clinical condition and an uncommon cause of intestinal obstruction. (翻译:盲肠肠扭转是一种罕见的临床状况和遇到的一种不常见的原因肠梗阻。)

15. The most frequently used codons were NNA and the most infrequently were NNG. (翻译:使用频率最高密码子为NNA,使用频率最低的密码子为nng。)

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