null tetrad是什么意思 null tetrad的中文翻译、读音、例句

null tetrad是什么意思 null tetrad的中文翻译、读音、例句

null tetrad在英语中代表"类光四维标架"的意思,还经常被翻译为类光四维标架,单词读音音标为[nulltetrad],null tetrad常被用作名词,在《现代英语词典》中,共找到92个与null tetrad相关的例句。

Null tetrad的释义


例句:The value for the first key is 4 bytes long and it is entirely NULLs. (第一个键的值为 4 字节且其完全为 NULL。)


null tetrad一般作为名词使用,如在tetrad(四个一组 )、dummy tetrad([计] 虚假四位二进制, 仿真四个脉冲组)、equianharmonic tetrad(等交比拼四小组)等常见短语中出现较多。

dummy tetrad[计] 虚假四位二进制, 仿真四个脉冲组
equianharmonic tetrad等交比拼四小组
Fallot tetrad法洛四联症
harmonic tetrad【数学】调和四元组
inversion tetrad四重反演轴
linean tetrad线形四分子
linear tetrad直列四分孢子
megaspore tetrad四分大孢子


1. The null hypothesis is that there is no difference between predicted and calculated IEI values. (翻译:预测的和计算的IEI值没有差别的假设是无效的。)

2. Micronucleus and a lot of abnormal cells can be observed at dyad, tetrad and microspore. (翻译:二分体、四分体和小孢子时期,细胞内普遍观察到微核,且出现大量异形细胞。)

3. If any one of these parameters is NULL, the corresponding OLE DB initialization property is not set. (翻译:如果其中任一参数为NULL,则不设置相应的OLEDB初始化属性。)

4. The micronuclei were not observed in tetrad stage. (翻译:四分体阶段无微核出现。)

5. Microspore abortion occurred after the tetrad formation. (翻译:小孢子败育发生在四分体形成以后。)

6. Using null values in together with IN or NOT IN can produce unexpected results. (翻译:将空值与IN或NOTIN一起使用会产生意外结果。)

7. By default, a column can contain a NULL value, but if you don't want that, you can append the "NOT NULL" postfix to the field definition. (翻译:默认情况下,列可以包含NULL值,但是,如果不想这样,可以在字段定义中附加“NOTNULL”后缀。)

8. At tetrad stage, dyad, triad, tetrad with micronucleus and polyad appeared. (翻译:四分体时期出现二分体、三分体、含微核的异常四分体及多分体。)

9. That vector is called a "null vector". (翻译:那种矢量就叫做”零矢量“。)

10. (As we've seen above, fgets returns NULL while getc returns EOF.) (翻译:正如我们在上面看到的,fgets返回NULL而getc返回e OF。)

11. Megaspore tetrad is linear. The chalazal megaspore develops into an embryo sac of Polygonum type. (翻译:大孢子四分体为线形,合点端功能大孢子发育成为蓼型胚囊。)

12. That the union between king Henry of England and Katherine of Aragon is declared null and void. (翻译:与阿拉贡的凯瑟琳的婚姻无效 And Katherine of Aragon is declared null and void.)

13. The number of NULLs in the column. (翻译:列中null值的个数。)

14. The contract was declared null and void. (翻译:合同被宣布无效。)

15. A value of NULL fails the test and the code inside the if. End if statement is not executed. (翻译:值为NULL会导致测试失败并且不执行if.endif语句中的代码。)

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