nyquist instability是什么意思 nyquist instability的中文翻译、读音、例句

nyquist instability是什么意思 nyquist instability的中文翻译、读音、例句

nyquist instability通常被翻译为"奈奎斯特不稳定性"的意思,还经常被翻译为奈奎斯特不稳定性,发音是[nyquistinstability],nyquist instability常被用作名词,在《大课标百科词典》中,共找到77个与nyquist instability相关的例句。

Nyquist instability的词典翻译


例句:This is a mighty industry, and it creates instability and violence wherever it goes. (他们是一个万能的行业 他们创造不稳定的局势和暴力 不管到哪里)


nyquist instability一般作为名词使用,如在Nyquist instability(奈奎斯特不稳定性)、nyquist(n. 尼奎斯特定理)、instability(不稳定 )等常见短语中出现较多。

Nyquist instability奈奎斯特不稳定性
nyquistn. 尼奎斯特定理
nyquist bandwidth奈奎斯宽频(为被取样信号频宽)
Nyquist characteristic[电子] 奈奎斯特特性
nyquist constraint奈奎斯特约束条件
Nyquist contour尼奎斯特围线
Nyquist criteria奈奎斯特准则
Nyquist criterion奈奎斯特判据;尼奎斯特判据;尼奎准则
Nyquist demodulator尼奎斯特解调器


1. The instability of wood floors refers to swelling, cracking and paint chapping of their physical shapes. (翻译:实木地板物理形状不稳定的主要表现形式为涨变、裂缝和漆膜龟裂。)

2. Unlike VST and LADSPA plug-ins, Nyquist plug-ins can be written using an ordinary text editor and don't need to be compiled. (翻译:与VST插件及LADSPA插件不同,Nyquist可用普通的文本编辑器编写,无需编译。)

3. It is as a bulwark against this "instability" that China cossets the Kims. (翻译:中国对朝鲜的纵容是对这种“不稳定”的一种缓冲。)

4. The rate of sampling, related to the Nyquist theorem. (翻译:抽样的频率,这与奈奎斯原理有关。)

5. And this is why in the security community we call climate change a risk to instability. (翻译:正因为此,我们搞安全的 会把气候变化称为造成不稳定的风险。)

6. Study Design. Cadaveric study of a diagnostic test for cervical spine instability. (翻译:研究设计:对尸体颈椎棘突标本的不稳定性进行诊断性试验。)

7. It used in straitness field, soft earth layer and instability aquiclude. (翻译:主要适用于场地狭窄、软弱土层和不稳定含水土层中的施工。)

8. Given man's nature, it might bring us only instability and chaos. (翻译:加上人性的缺陷 这恐怕只会带来不安和骚动)

9. While Japan contributes the least to export instability, and Japan can obviously smoothen other markets' fluctuation on export instability. (翻译:而日本对出口不稳定性的贡献最小,且日本明显能平抑其他市场的波动对出口不稳定性的影响。)

10. Conclusion the iridectomy can lead to the decrease of tear secretion and instability of tear film. (翻译:结论周边虹膜切除术能引起泪膜功能受损,使泪膜稳定性受到破坏。)

11. But then by the end of the decade, the country had fallen back into political instability and mismanagement. (翻译:但是xx年代末 加纳陷入政治动荡 和政策混乱 )

12. Inertia is the tendency of fluids to keep moving, which causes instability. (翻译:惯性力促使流体继续运动, 因而导致不稳定。)

13. Conclusions: Hip instability is increased in proportion to the degree of dysplasia. (翻译:结论:髋的不稳定随着发育异常程度的比例而增加。)

14. Write new effects with the built-in Nyquist programming language. (翻译:使用内建的Nyquist编程语言编写新的特效。)

15. There's no doubt that opening the new market at a time of economic instability is a risk. (翻译:在经济不稳定时期拉开新市场帷幕无疑是有风险的。)

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