oblique shock front是什么意思 oblique shock front的中文翻译、读音、例句

oblique shock front是什么意思 oblique shock front的中文翻译、读音、例句

oblique shock front的中文解释是"斜交激震波面",在英美地区还有"斜交激震波面"的意思,发音音标为[obliqueshockfront],oblique shock front常被用作名词,在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到76个与oblique shock front相关的例句。

Oblique shock front的翻译


例句:* You are my secrets * * on the front page every week * (You are my secrets On the front page every week)


oblique shock front一般作为名词使用,如在oblique shock(斜震)、front oblique(前倾摄影)、shock front([化] 击波前; 冲击波前)等常见短语中出现较多。

oblique shock斜震
front oblique前倾摄影
shock front[化] 击波前; 冲击波前
oblique shock diffuser斜震波扩散器
oblique shock inlet斜震波进气道
oblique shock wave斜激波
front shock absorber波前减震器
reflected shock front冲击波反射波面
shock front measurement波波前测量


1. "than I would openly admit. (翻译:我比自己所承认的要承受了更多的震惊 I have suffered more of a shock than I would openly admit.)

2. In engineering, oblique axonometric drawing is useful. (翻译:在工程图中,斜轴测图是很有用的。)

3. But it was the front that got the worst of it. (翻译:前座情况最严重 But it was the front that got the worst of it.)

4. ocrea tubular, membranous, margin entire, apex oblique or truncate. (翻译:托叶鞘管状,膜,边缘全缘,先端偏斜或截形。)

5. Upper sepal galeate or lower galeate, oblique, broadest above middle. (翻译:上面萼片盔状或下部的盔状,偏斜,宽的在中部以上。)

6. Please come to the front door. (翻译:Please come to the front door.)

7. Cos you go to the club, and the man in charge puts it on you in front of everybody. (翻译:and the man in charge puts it on you in front of everybody.)

8. They're called The Oblique Strategies, he developed them with a friend of his. (翻译:这叫“倾斜策略”, 是他是和一个朋友一块儿发明的。)

9. It was an oblique reference to his mother. (翻译:这是对他母亲的隐射。)

10. I sat in front of that committee. (翻译:I sat in front of that committee.)

11. All right, now get in front of the computer. (翻译:now get in front of the computer.)

12. Objective To investigate the treatment effect of weakening superior oblique muscle for A pattern strabismus . (翻译:目的探讨上斜肌减弱手术在A-型斜视的治疗作用。)

13. ♪ We were warriors On the front lines ♪ (翻译:♪ We were warriors On the front lines ♪)

14. Oh, in front of other people? (翻译:in front of other people?)

15. Nobody wants to see the front! (翻译:Not the front! Nobody wants to see the front!)

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