odontites是什么意思 odontites的中文翻译、读音、例句

odontites是什么意思 odontites的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:If the SSR has it, it's in the right hands. (如果我们战略科研署有的话 我们会保管妥当的 If the S. S. R.)


odontites一般作为名词使用,如在Odontites(n. 疗齿草属)、Odontites serotina(n. 疗齿草)等常见短语中出现较多。

Odontitesn. 疗齿草属
Odontites serotinan. 疗齿草


1. Ejection murmurs begin after S1 and are usually crescendo- decrescendo ( "diamond-shaped'), ending before S2. " (翻译:喷射音始于S1后,通常有渐强-渐弱特征,并于S2前结束。)

2. And welcome to STS-200 ops overview briefing. (翻译:欢迎莅临 S T S 2 0 0 行动简报)

3. Porch of the Cafe New York in Budapest, Hungary. Designed by the architects Bela Lajta and Odon Lechner in 1902. (翻译:布达佩斯的纽约咖啡馆,由欧登和贝拉一起设计。)

4. Let's hear it for the Sunday Sisters. (翻译:谢谢 S u n d a y S i s t e r s 的表演)

5. Captain Jebediah S. Hawks... requesting permission to board, sir. (翻译:Jebediah S. Hawks船长 请求登船)

6. Also an "I" and an "S", also a "T", an "M", an "A" and another "S". (翻译:还有I 还有S 还有T 和M 和A 和另一个S)

7. "Is tITe love in with you and Dad? " I question IT in a Very abundance low voice. (翻译:我低声地问道:“你和爸爸之间有么有感情啊?”)

://www.ted.com/talks/maya_beiser_s_and_her_cello_s.html (翻译://www.ted.com/talks/lang/zh-cn/maya_beiser_s_and_her_cello_s.html)

9. We yet HAs plenty of time, so if tITe's some locate you'd love to stop by, pls don't hesitate to ask. (翻译:咱们还有很多具体光阴,所以假如你想在什么地方逗留一下,请无所不能不好意义说。)

10. You will get your throat slit just like chickens! (翻译:Vous allez mourir égorgés!)

11. You'll find your way around. (翻译:- 是的。- 那你familizarás。)

12. There are bigger fish than the SSR, and right now, they're more concerned with a breach of national security than evidence protocol. (翻译:还有比战略科研署更厉害的人物 There are bigger fish than the S. S. R.)

13. But the SSR is myopic when it comes to Howard Stark, which is why I have been conducting my own investigation. (翻译:战略科研署在斯塔克的事情上太短视了 But the S. S. R.)

14. He constructs his unique mode S/s by modifying Saussurean diagram. (翻译:通过修改索绪尔的所指与能指图式,拉康建构出S/s模式。)

15. TITe are not lots of reasons to get a moment and inventory your current job and care noter right now. (翻译:大部分人很因该马上去花点时间审视一下当前的任务和事业。)

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