oil damping在英语中代表"油类减震"的意思,在英美地区还有"油类减震"的意思,单词读音音标为[oildamping],oil damping常被用作名词,在《英英汉-英英汉词典》中,共找到75个与oil damping相关的例句。
Oil damping的释义
例句:We are gong to an oil sheikdom. (We are gong to an oil sheikdom.)
oil damping一般作为名词使用,如在damping(物 衰减 减幅 阻尼 潮湿,使潮湿 抑制 阻止 钢琴等 的音 物 减幅 阻尼 的现在分词)、direct damping(un. 直接抑制\n[网络] 直接阻尼)、dry damping(干摩擦阻尼)等常见短语中出现较多。
damping | 物 衰减 减幅 阻尼 潮湿,使潮湿 抑制 阻止 钢琴等 的音 物 减幅 阻尼 的现在分词 |
direct damping | un. 直接抑制\n[网络] 直接阻尼 |
dry damping | 干摩擦阻尼 |
eddy damping | 涡流阻尼 |
divergence damping | 辐散阻尼 |
dislocation damping | 位错阻尼 |
dissipative damping | un. 消散阻尼\n[网络] 耗散阻尼 |
distributed damping | 分布阻尼 |
dynamic damping | 动力减震 |
1. But what about the extra-virgin olive oil? (翻译:但是特级初榨橄榄油呢? But what about the extra -virgin olive oil?)
2. ♪ Oil from the blood of the tears ♪ (翻译:♪ Oil from the blood of the tears ♪)
3. Will have a huge amount of oil in a couple of years from now. (翻译:两xx年后 将会富有大量石油 Will have a huge amount of oil in a couple of years from now.)
4. Protect your car with Valvoline Motor Oil. (翻译:保护你的爱车 请用瓦佛林机油 Protect your car with Valvoline Motor Oil.)
5. Even before I met you, I had an instinct about you. (翻译:and l also really love olive oil for tuna.)
6. So far the most effective means to lower the turbulence intensity of the airstream is to utilize damping screens. (翻译:迄今为止,人们发现的降低气流湍流度的最有效的办法就是利用阻尼网。)
7. Romance and work are... oil and water. (翻译:恋爱和工作 Romance and work are... 水油不溶 oil and water.)
8. President of an oil company in Texas. (翻译:一家得克萨斯石油公司的总裁。President of an oil company in Texas.)
9. Or the government of an oil-based economy. (翻译:或是依赖于石油的政府 {\3cH202020}Or the government of an oil -based economy.)
10. Guys, we need to drain the oil. (翻译:我们要把油沥干 Guys, we need to drain the oil.)
11. This study was to determine the fundamental resonant frequency and damping of the PCB supported by different types of retainers. (翻译:本实验将印刷电路板以不同商用夹具支撑并量测其第一共振频率及阻尼。)
12. Viscous Damping Wall (VDW) is a new type of device for structural vibration energy dissipation. (翻译:粘滞阻尼墙是一种新型减振消能元件。)
13. A control unit calculates the requisite damping forces within milliseconds, and adjusts the dampers just as quickly. (翻译:一个控制单元计算出所需的毫秒内阻尼力,并调整阻尼器。)
14. Yeah, I mean, I'm mostly an oil-on-canvas guy, but I did the best I could. (翻译:是的,我的意思是,我是一个oil -on -canvas的家伙,)
15. Wash it, oil it, disinfect it. (翻译:去洗一下,上油消毒 Wash it, oil it, disinfect it.)