oil crop通常被翻译为"可榨油的农作物"的意思,还经常被翻译为可榨油的农作物,发音音标为[oilcrop],oil crop在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到65个与oil crop相关的例句。
Oil crop的释义
例句:disaster relief,energy,environment,green,oil,sustainability (disaster relief,energy,environment,green,oil,sustainability)
oil crop一般作为名词使用,如在oil bearing crop(油料作物)、oil crop pest([植保] 油料作物害虫)、crop(①农作物②嗉囊 )等常见短语中出现较多。
oil bearing crop | 油料作物 |
oil crop pest | [植保] 油料作物害虫 |
crop | ①农作物②嗉囊 |
in crop | 在耕种,种有庄稼 |
drug crop | 药用植物学 |
dry crop | 旱地作物 |
double crop | 两期作 |
economic crop | 经济作物 |
economic crop? | 经济作物 |
1. Listing 2 is a DAML + OIL schema for the issue tracker similar to Listing 1. (翻译:清单2是类似于清单1的问题跟踪程序的DAML + OIL模式。)
2. ♪ Oil from the blood of the tears ♪ (翻译:♪ Oil from the blood of the tears ♪)
3. Even before I met you, I had an instinct about you. (翻译:and l also really love olive oil for tuna.)
4. President of an oil company in Texas. (翻译:一家得克萨斯石油公司的总裁。President of an oil company in Texas.)
5. Hydraulic fracturing to extract oil and gas. (翻译:水力压裂开采石油天然气。Hydraulic fracturing to extract oil and gas.)
6. Paspalum notatun Flugge has been proved to be a soil conserving crop and soil building crop as well. (翻译:同时,百喜草是一种土壤优化作物和生态环境保育作物。)
7. "It seems the domestic oil availability has reduced due to lesser kharif crop," said Mehta. (翻译:“看来秋收作物减产导致了国内食用油供应下降,”梅塔说。)
8. Isolate the picture, crop and zoom. Let's... (翻译:提取出照片 截取放大 Isolate the picture, crop and zoom.)
9. ♪ Fingertips covered in oil ♪ (翻译:♪ Fingertips covered in oil ♪)
10. Cotton (Gossypium) is the world's most important natural textile fiber and a significant oil crop. (翻译:棉花不仅是世界上主要的天然纤维,而且还是重要的油料作物之一。)
11. Alternate bearing is when a tree produces a heavy crop one year, called an "on-crop, " followed by an "off-crop" the next year. (翻译:隔年结果指的是,前xx年果树结出大量果实,叫做“结果”,而后面xx年却“疏果”。)
12. brought to you by Roxxon motor oil. (翻译:由罗克森机油公司赞助播出 Brought to you by Roxxon motor oil.)
13. Organic matter is invaluable as an addition to any soil, whether applied as manure, as a cover crop, or as a soil - improving crop. (翻译:有机物施加于任何土壤都是很宝贵的,不管施加的是厩肥、覆盖作物或是改土作物。)
14. Now I'll complete the definition of the issue tracker schema, in RDFS and DAML + OIL form. (翻译:现在,我将以RDFS和DAML + OIL形式完成问题跟踪程序模式的定义。)
15. Wheat is the most important crop -- the first crop we domesticated and the most important crop we still grow today. (翻译:面粉是最重要的作物 -- 第一种我们培育的作物, 以及我们现在仍然在种植的重要植物。)