mehyar是什么意思 mehyar的中文翻译、读音、例句

mehyar是什么意思 mehyar的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Doctors said in December that President Yar'Adua was suffering from acute pericarditis, an inflammation of the lining of the heart. (医生说xx月份总统就有过严重的心包炎,心中好像有火燃烧一般痛苦。)

例句:Mr. Jonathan also praised Mr. Yar'Adua as a man of great integrity and outstanding humility. (乔纳森还赞扬亚拉杜瓦是非常正直、谦虚的人。)


1. Another aim must be to strengthen the anti-corruption drive that was begun by Mr Yar'Adua's predecessor as president, Olusegun Obasanjo. (翻译:另一个目标则必须是加强由亚拉杜瓦先生的前任总统奥卢塞贡•奥巴桑乔着手开始的反腐力度。)

2. I have one word for the entire 3d thing: meh. (翻译:我对整个3d方面只有一个字:咩? )

3. We are going to Meh-he-co! (翻译:我们要去墨 喜 哥! We are going to Meh -he)

4. snowpea, meh I have redesigned her, I have the original snowpea on my shelf, never to be seen. (翻译:我重新设计了雪豆,最初版本的雪豆就在我的书架上,还没公开过。)

5. [Imitating pirate speech] Yar, can I get me a cerveza? (翻译:嘿 能再给我来一杯吗? [Max在模仿爱尔兰腔])

6. It is now widely used on the Internet and , last November , the word "Meh" became the latest addition to the Collins English Dictionary. (翻译:现在这个词“meh”已在互联网上被广泛使用,并被写入最新版的科林英语词典中。本人英语六级已过,绝对人工翻译!!!)

7. Few think Mr Yar'Adua well enough to run for a second term, but few think Mr Jonathan has enough support to run for a first. (翻译:很少人认为亚拉杜瓦先生适合连任,但是大部分人认为,乔纳森先生的初次选举缺乏足够的支持。)

8. Nigerian President Umaru Yar'Adua's spokesman, dismissing a report that the President may resign because of ill health. (翻译:尼日利亚总统奥马鲁·亚拉杜瓦的发言人驳斥总统因健康不佳可能辞职的报道。)

9. So, when ya'al handed ov'r the baton, ya gotta stretch yar left arm back... and run out a littl' by littl' and get ready to run... (翻译:受力的时候 要这样这样 把左臂伸直跑向前)

10. Sanquinatum venetus barkael meh. Stop! (翻译:Sanquinatum venetus barkael meh)

11. 99% : "meh" - LoFi look and warm color tones. (翻译:99%:“meh”—低保真外观与暖色调。)

12. Pakistani refugees wait in line for bread at the Yar Hussain camp. (翻译:亚尔·侯赛因难民营的巴基斯坦难民排队领取面包。)

13. At the end of the day I don't want to say Resident Evil: Revelations is bad, but it just left me feeling "meh. " (翻译:在一天的最后,我不想说启示录很糟,但只是让我感觉“唔”。)

14. Vice Governor of Zabul Province, Jia En La Sur Yar Mohammad told Xinhua News Agency reporters, the explosion took place in 0945 or so. (翻译:查布尔省副省长穆罕默德·贾恩·拉苏尔亚尔告诉新华社记者,爆炸发生在9时45分左右。)

15. The MEH-PPV chains are separated basically in THF(tetrahydrofuran) dilute solution. (翻译:在THF稀溶液中,MEH-PPV分子链基本上皆为分立态; )

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