orbeopsis是什么意思 orbeopsis的中文翻译、读音、例句

orbeopsis是什么意思 orbeopsis的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:They seem to know the ops are on. Come on, fellas, get cracking. (它们似乎知道行动开始了 来吧,伙计们,开始行动)


例句:Not if she was Special Ops. (如果她在特种部队就不会 Not if she was Special Ops.)


orbeopsis一般作为名词使用,如在Orbeopsis([网络] 尾花角)等常见短语中出现较多。

Orbeopsis[网络] 尾花角


1. A special ops surgeon gave me Castor's face! (翻译:特别行动组的医生给我... ...坎斯的脸)

2. He used to be special ops, and he's been with Bruce for years. (翻译:他是特种部队出身 已经跟着布鲁斯好多年了)

3. psych ops, division nine... (翻译:- - psych ops, 九部 语言部 division nine)

4. Objective: To explore the application of the tumescent technique in the breast OPS. (翻译:目的:探讨局部肿胀麻醉在乳腺手术中的应用效果。)

5. At this point developer changes to ops are controlled and easy to verify by ops. (翻译:在这一点上,开发人员对运维的变更可由运维人员轻松的控制和验证。)

6. Dad, they are dedicating the new ops center To you in two days. (翻译:爸 两天后 他们拿新的行动中心给您献礼呢)

7. - Jim? - Yeah? I just want things to be back to normal, you know? (翻译:叫埃里克・斯维尼 很可能是特战队的 named Eric Sweeney, likely Special Ops.)

8. and starting all these illegal black-ops wars that have killed millions of people! (翻译:以及发动所有非法的黑色战争行动 and starting all these illegal black -ops wars 杀死无数人民 that have killed millions of people!)

9. Grennel thinks he can save the ship, but flight ops are definitely out. (翻译:格列尼尔认为船还有救 但是飞机是无法起飞的了)

10. Is that black-ops group kills you quick (翻译:-case scenario out there 被那个秘密行动小组杀死 is that black -ops group kills you quick)

11. Lieutenant Colonel Grant Casey, covert ops. (翻译:秘密行动部队的凯西中校 他早在xx年前战死越南)

12. Gunmetal 2-5, this is Thunder Ops, over. (翻译:炮铜 2 -5, 这是雷电 Ops,结束。)

13. And welcome to STS-200 ops overview briefing. (翻译:欢迎莅临 S T S 2 0 0 行动简报)

14. This is the interrogation of Jack Bauer, director of field ops, CTU. (翻译:我们在对CTU的行动组主管杰克鲍尔进行调查)

15. He is the C.I.A.: special ops, Castro, Lumumba, all of it. (翻译:他是CIA的 特别行动队 卡斯特罗,卢蒙巴,全都)

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