order of canada在中文中有"网络、加拿大最高荣誉奖"的意思,还经常被翻译为加拿大勋章,单词读音音标为[orderofcanada],order of canada常被用作名词,在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到98个与order of canada相关的例句。
Order of Canada的词典翻译
例句:Refining the pecking order. (优胜劣汰 Refining the pecking order.)
例句:No, I want to order TV tubes. (I want to order TV tubes.)
例句:In order for them to stay young. (以青春永驻 in order for them to stay young.)
例句:That is an order, Humphrey! (翻译:That is an order, Humphrey!)
order of canada一般作为名词使用,如在Order of Canada([网络] 加拿大勋章;加拿大勋章;加拿大最高荣誉奖)、Eastern Canada([网络] 加拿大东部;东加拿大;东部加拿大)、Dominion of Canada(加拿大议会)等常见短语中出现较多。
Order of Canada | [网络] 加拿大勋章;加拿大勋章;加拿大最高荣誉奖 |
Eastern Canada | [网络] 加拿大东部;东加拿大;东部加拿大 |
Dominion of Canada | 加拿大议会 |
English Canada | [网络] 英语加拿大 |
Little Canada | [地名] 小加拿大 ( 美 ) |
Lower Canada | 下加拿大(魁北克旧称) |
New Canada | [地名] 新加拿大 ( 南非 ) |
Northern Canada | [网络] 加拿大北部;加拿大北方;加拿大北部地区 |
O Canada | [网络] 加拿大;加拿大国歌;噢加拿大 |
Oceanroutes Canada | [网络] 加拿大气象导航公司 |
1. In order for them to stay young. (翻译:以青春永驻 in order for them to stay young.)
2. That is an order, Humphrey! (翻译:That is an order, Humphrey!)
3. Please give it up for him one more time. (翻译:请各位再次将掌声送给Canada博士。)
4. They gave me the wrong order! (翻译:他们给错了 They gave me the wrong order!)
5. The uncle of the Zu, calls the kitchen lane to order like the vegetables in 1:00 (翻译:calls the kitchen lane to order like the vegetables in 1:)
6. He was so plastered, he would have jumped into a coffin. (翻译:干嘛去加拿大 {\3cH202020}And why Canada?)
7. I am Father Avila, of Her Royal Franciscan Order. (翻译:of Her Royal Franciscan Order.)
8. It was great to drive around. (翻译:Great, order to override all others.)
9. Three - two in favor of Canada, it's a double for Canada. (翻译:两到三个支持加拿大, 那就是双重加拿大了.)
10. In order for them to control you. (翻译:来控制你 in order for them to control you.)
11. so as to ensure public order. (翻译:以确保社会秩序。so as to ensure public order.)
12. The court will come to order. (翻译:当当当 法院来审判了 The court will come to order.)
13. And that, according to the Constitution, only if we were unable to ensure public order, would we request help and protection from the federal forces. (翻译:to ensure pubic order. 而且,根据宪法, And that, according to the Constitution, 只有当我们无法确保公共秩序, only if we were unable to ensure public order,)
14. Gave the order to wipe us out. (翻译:下令杀光我们 gave the order to wipe us out.)
15. - You'll receive the Order of Lenin. (翻译:-You will receive the Order of Lenin for this, Captain.)