orders about是什么意思 orders about的中文翻译、读音、例句

orders about是什么意思 orders about的中文翻译、读音、例句

orders about在英语中代表"不断差遣"的意思,在英美地区还有"支使"的意思,单词读音音标为[ordersabout],orders about来源于英语,在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到86个与orders about相关的例句。

Orders about的中文翻译


例句:My orders are to get just the kids onto the bus. (我奉命只让小孩上车 My orders are to get just the kids onto the bus.)


例句:The minister has been arrested on the orders of the MFA (部长已被尉官运动下令逮捕 The minister has been arrested on the orders of the MFA)


orders about一般作为名词使用,如在orders are orders([网络] 命令就是命令;命令是绝对的;工作再工作)、in orders(整齐,秩序井然;按顺序;状况良好)、no orders(无命令,无通知,无订单)等常见短语中出现较多。

orders are orders[网络] 命令就是命令;命令是绝对的;工作再工作
in orders整齐,秩序井然;按顺序;状况良好
no orders无命令,无通知,无订单
on orders遵照命令,按照吩咐
on orders of依照,奉(…之)命
on the orders依照,奉(…之)命
ordersn. 牧师职, 神职
orders in命令进入


1. I give the orders around here. (翻译:这里发号施令的人是我 I give the orders around here.)

2. This is not about blindly following orders, mr. Hunter. (翻译:这并不是盲目听从指令 亨特先生 This is not about blindly following orders, Mr.)

3. On the orders of Tywin Lannister. (翻译:是泰温兰尼斯特下的命令. On the orders of Tywin Lannister.)

but the orders were very clear. (翻译:but... the orders were very clear.)

5. We have orders to do the same. (翻译:我们受命采取相同行动 We have orders to do the same.)

6. - I'm a good son. I have orders. - But you don't have to follow them. (翻译:and I have my orders.)

7. Moscow gave the orders, but Leningrad saved itself, despite the orders. (翻译:莫斯科下达了命令, 可列宁格勒是在自救, 管他什么命令)

8. I am the one giving the orders here. (翻译:我才是这发号施令的人 I am the one giving the orders here.)

9. Why take orders from mummy? (翻译:为什么听命于木乃伊呢? Why take orders from mummy?)

10. I had orders to check on you. (翻译:我奉命来探探你的底细 I had orders to check on you.)

11. The routing orders at the Pentagon, they were about this, weren't they? (翻译:是不是和这有关 ? 苏联的内部并没有真正的统一)

12. The electrical conductivity plummets about three orders of magnitude. (翻译:电导率突然下降,约3个数量级。)

13. My orders come from the Commander-in-Chief. (翻译:My orders come from the Commander -in -Chief.)

14. Why is Batischev giving orders? (翻译:Why is Batischev giving orders?)

15. Following orders instead of giving them. (翻译:整天被别人吆三喝四 Following orders instead of giving them.)

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