organic fertilizer是什么意思 organic fertilizer的中文翻译、读音、例句

organic fertilizer是什么意思 organic fertilizer的中文翻译、读音、例句

organic fertilizer通常被翻译为"有机肥料"的意思,作为名词时有"有机肥料"的意思,发音是[ɔ:ˈɡænik ˈfə:tilaizə],organic fertilizer常被用作名词,在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到26个与organic fertilizer相关的例句。

Organic fertilizer的释义


例句:The influence of application of organic and nitrogen fertilizer on the content of alkali hydrolysable N in fertilities soil was studied. (对设施土壤中长期施有机肥与氮肥对土壤中碱解氮含量的影响进行了研究。)


organic fertilizer一般作为名词使用,如在natural organic fertilizer(天然有机肥)、NK organic fertilizer([肥料] 氮钾有机肥料)、NP organic fertilizer([肥料] 氮磷有机肥料)等常见短语中出现较多。

natural organic fertilizer天然有机肥
NK organic fertilizer[肥料] 氮钾有机肥料
NP organic fertilizer[肥料] 氮磷有机肥料
NPK organic fertilizer[肥料] 氮磷钾有机肥料
organic nitrogen fertilizer有机氮肥
organic nitrogenous fertilizer有机氮肥
organic waste fertilizer[肥料] 有机废弃物肥料


1. Marion: It's not organic! (翻译:马里恩:因为它们并不是有机产品! )

2. with an annual output of 2000000 mus of selenium-enriched fertilizer and 50000 tons of compound fertilizer production line. (翻译:年产200万亩富硒生物专用肥和5万吨复混肥生产线各一条。)

3. Citric Acid (from beet sugar ), Organic Acerola Berry, Natural Flavors , may contain Organic Black Carrots, Organic Black Currant, Organic Apple, Organic Carrot, Organic Pumpkin, . (翻译:纯天然有机棒棒糖,完全可以放心食用哦,口味酸酸甜甜,也不会过敏。)

4. Advanced livestock farming could afford more organic fertilizer that is advantageous to the development of agriculture and fruiter. (翻译:畜牧业子系统越发达,有机肥源越充足,越有利于农、果业子系统的发展。)

5. The tractor hauled the fertilizer away. (翻译:拖拉机把肥料拉走了。)

6. the property taxes and fertilizer cost, insurance. (翻译:the property taxes and 灌溉设施花销、保险费的夹击下 fertilizer cost, insurance.)

7. So this was obviously an organic city, part of an organic cycle. (翻译:因此,显然他是一个有机城市 属于有机循环中的一个部分 )

8. The Stone reacts to anything organic. (翻译:无限宝石会对一切有机物产生作用 The Stone reacts to anything organic.)

9. This may be organic in letter, but it's surely not organic in spirit. (翻译:从定义上来讲这可能是有机的,但从本质上并不是。)

10. A fertilizer factory will also be set up to nourish organic vegetable and fruits and flowers. (翻译:此外还会建肥料厂,为有机蔬菜、水果和花卉提供肥料。)

11. Organic farmers, such as Harriet Behar from the midwestern state of Wisconsin, say the USDA organic seal is vital to the organic industry. (翻译:例如,来自中西部威斯康星州的有机物农场主哈里特.伯哈表示,美国农业部有机食品认证机构对有机工业的发展至关重要。)

12. Suggesting the combined application of organical and chemical fertilizer and straw returning is the most effective measure to in crease soil organic matter. (翻译:有机、无机物料配施和秸秆还田是快速提高南方红壤地区不同母质土壤有机质含量的重要措施。)

:// (翻译://

14. A highly compacted fertilizer bomb. (翻译:-MI6情报局总部苏格兰 -威力强大的肥料炸药)

15. In recent years, the serious confusion in identification markings of compound fertilizer product causes a broad misguidance to farmer, even results in fertilizer harm to consumer. (翻译:近年来,复混肥料产品标识混乱状况比较突出,胡乱标注标识误导农民消费,从而造成肥害事件时有发生。)


organic fertilizer作为名词的时候,其近义词以及反义词有s、organic、fertilizers等。

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