organic bath通常被翻译为"有机电解质"的意思,还有有机电解质的意思,在线读音是[organicbath],organic bath常被用作名词,在《中小学生词典》中,共找到43个与organic bath相关的例句。
Organic bath的词典翻译
例句:Bill cleans his gun with bubble bath. (比尔用泡沫剂洗枪 Bill cleans his gun with bubble bath.)
organic bath一般作为名词使用,如在bath(洗澡 )、organic(①器官的②有机的 )、dipping bath([医] 浸浴)等常见短语中出现较多。
bath | 洗澡 |
organic | ①器官的②有机的 |
dipping bath | [医] 浸浴 |
dropping bath | [化工] 滴液槽 |
Dowsing bath | [医] 道辛氏浴(电光热气浴) |
early bath | [网络] 在料想之前放弃或失业 |
earth bath | [医] 沙土浴 |
dominant bath | 主浴 |
divided bath | 分格的槽子 |
1. "The race is on, " says Mark Kingdon, CEO of digital ad agency Organic. (翻译:数字广告代理公司Organic的CEO,MarkKingdon说,“争夺已经开始了。”)
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3. She was standing by a milk bath. (翻译:她站在牛奶浴旁边 She was standing by a milk bath.)
4. How about if we start with a bath? (翻译:我们从洗澡开始怎么样 {\3cH202020}How about if we start with a bath?)
5. Bored to tears, I went alone to the Brothers Grimm Bath, the Mermaid Bath, the Lemon Bath, and the Violet Bath, one after the other. (翻译:百般无聊的我 就从格林童话澡堂... 人鱼澡堂 柠檬澡堂)
6. Does he wash them in the bath? (翻译:他是在浴缸里洗的吗 Does he wash them in the bath?)
7. Towel, bath washes etc of towel of towel, bath towel, towelling coverlet, beach fabric. (翻译:巾—毛巾、浴巾、毛巾被、沙滩巾及其他浴洗织物。)
8. Because bath salts here I come! (翻译:浴盐哥来啦! Because bath salts here I come!)
9. These bath salts are so good. (翻译:这浴盐真是太好了 These bath salts are so good.)
10. Ten years in a milk bath, I know. (翻译:xx年的牛奶浴 我知道 Ten years in a milk bath, I know.)
11. Bath salts are just as bad as they said it would be! (翻译:浴盐像他们说的一样坏! Bath salts are just as bad as they said it would be!)
12. Just run a bath, get her into the bath. (翻译:洗个冷水澡把她放在澡缸里 Just run a bath, get her into the bath.)
13. Mark: # a super duper, duper duper, duper bubble bath # # super duper, duper, duper duper bubble bath # # a super duper, duper, duper duper bubble bath # (翻译:? 一个超级骗子,骗子 骗子,骗子泡泡浴? ?)
14. Howard, your bath is getting cold! (翻译:霍华德 洗澡水快凉了 Howard, your bath is getting cold!)
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