organic chlorine insecticide在英语中代表"有机氯杀虫剂"的意思,还经常被翻译为有机氯杀虫剂,发音音标为[organicchlorineinsecticide],organic chlorine insecticide是一个英语名词,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到50个与organic chlorine insecticide相关的例句。
Organic chlorine insecticide的中文翻译
例句:Chlorine is used to disinfect water. (氯用来给水消毒。)
organic chlorine insecticide一般作为名词使用,如在flower insecticide(花药)、insecticide factory([网络] 农药厂)、insecticide tolerance(耐药性)等常见短语中出现较多。
flower insecticide | 花药 |
insecticide factory | [网络] 农药厂 |
insecticide tolerance | 耐药性 |
microbic insecticide | 微生物农药 |
protective insecticide | 胃毒剂 |
electrolytic chlorine | [化] 电解氯 |
excess chlorine | 过量氯 |
fastness to chlorine | 耐氯牢度 |
free chlorine | 游离氯 |
gargle of chlorine | 氯含漱液 |
1. 2% Celangulin ec is a new kind of botanical insecticide. (翻译:苦皮藤素乳油是一种新型的植物性杀虫剂。)
2. Effect of Several Low Poison Insecticide on Cabbage Moth and Imported Cabbageworm (翻译:几种低毒杀虫剂对小菜蛾、菜青虫的防效试验)
3. Chlorine is added to kill bacteria. (翻译:加入氯以杀菌。)
4. It's used as an insecticide, filtering agent, cleaning abrasive, ceramics. (翻译:一直被用作杀虫剂 过滤剂, 打磨砂石以及制作陶器)
5. And a century later, it was repurposed as an insecticide. (翻译:一个世纪之后, 这种化合物摇身一变成为杀虫剂。)
6. The pad is impregnated with insecticide. (翻译:垫子上满是杀虫剂。)
7. Citric Acid (from beet sugar ), Organic Acerola Berry, Natural Flavors , may contain Organic Black Carrots, Organic Black Currant, Organic Apple, Organic Carrot, Organic Pumpkin, . (翻译:纯天然有机棒棒糖,完全可以放心食用哦,口味酸酸甜甜,也不会过敏。)
8. So this was obviously an organic city, part of an organic cycle. (翻译:因此,显然他是一个有机城市 属于有机循环中的一个部分)
9. This may be organic in letter, but it's surely not organic in spirit. (翻译:从定义上来讲这可能是有机的,但从本质上并不是。)
10. About 70% of the cocoa acreage is treated with insecticide. (翻译:大约70%的可可豆种植区都用杀虫剂处理过。)
:// (翻译://
12. Oxygen is a corrosive gas, in the same family as fluorine and chlorine... (翻译:氧气是腐蚀性的气体, 与氟和氯是同一族的...)
13. Organic carob, organic barley, chicory, organic chicory, organic dates, almonds, natural mocha flavor, organic figs, organic cocoa powder. (翻译:有机长豆角,有机大麦,菊苣,菊苣有机,有机枣,杏仁,天然摩卡风味,有机无花果,有机可可粉。)
14. Farm insecticide and raticide are in the majority of the diverse types of poisons. (翻译:所投毒物种类分布较广,但农药和鼠药占多数;)
15. It is safe to sleep under an insecticide-treated bednet? (翻译:睡在经杀虫剂处理过的蚊帐中是否安全? )