organic acidotrophic lake在英语中代表"有机酸营养湖"的意思,其中文解释还有"有机酸营养湖"的意思,读音为[organicacidotrophiclake],organic acidotrophic lake在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《英语自学简明词典》中,共找到83个与organic acidotrophic lake相关的例句。
Organic acidotrophic lake的释义
例句:All available 459 at the Circle K, corner of Lake and Lincoln. (所有闲置车辆前往Circle K 在Lake街和Lincoln街交界处有盗窃 All available 459 at the Circle K, corner of Lake and Lincoln.)
organic acidotrophic lake一般作为名词使用,如在organic(①器官的②有机的 )、lake(湖 )、on the lake([网络] 在湖面上;在湖上;湖里)等常见短语中出现较多。
organic | ①器官的②有机的 |
lake | 湖 |
on the lake | [网络] 在湖面上;在湖上;湖里 |
the Lake | 大西洋 |
matter organic | [医] 有机物质 |
metal organic | adj. 有机金属的 |
organic absorbent | 有机吸收剂 |
organic accelerator | 有机促进剂 |
organic accentuated | [医] 器质性杂音 |
1. Citric Acid (from beet sugar ), Organic Acerola Berry, Natural Flavors , may contain Organic Black Carrots, Organic Black Currant, Organic Apple, Organic Carrot, Organic Pumpkin, . (翻译:纯天然有机棒棒糖,完全可以放心食用哦,口味酸酸甜甜,也不会过敏。)
2. Her name isn't Emily Lake, is it? (翻译:她的真名不是Emily Lake 对吧?)
3. Lake Forest is not Chicago. (翻译:林湖城不是芝加哥 {\3cH202020}Lake Forest is not Chicago.)
4. Jacqueline called, she wants you at the manager's meeting in Lake Geneva next week. (翻译:Jacqueline说她要你下周去Lake Geneva参加经理会议)
5. Like, south of Spanish Lake, supposed to be. (翻译:应该是在西班牙湖南岸 Like, south of Spanish Lake, supposed to be.)
6. Organic carob, organic barley, chicory, organic chicory, organic dates, almonds, natural mocha flavor, organic figs, organic cocoa powder. (翻译:有机长豆角,有机大麦,菊苣,菊苣有机,有机枣,杏仁,天然摩卡风味,有机无花果,有机可可粉。)
7. I gotta get back up to Lake Forest. (翻译:I gotta get back up to Lake Forest.)
8. This may be organic in letter, but it's surely not organic in spirit. (翻译:从定义上来讲这可能是有机的,但从本质上并不是。)
9. Your corpse from the lake? (翻译:Your corpse from the lake?)
10. This may be organic in letter, but it's surely not organic in spirit. (翻译:从定义上来讲这可能是有机的,但从本质上并不是。)
11. want to go to Kanoga Lake with me tomorrow? (翻译:你明天想不想跟我去Kanoga Lake)
12. So this was obviously an organic city, part of an organic cycle. (翻译:因此,显然他是一个有机城市 属于有机循环中的一个部分 )
13. It contains lots of organic matter. (翻译:-round for millennia. 它里面含有很多有机质 It contains lots of organic matter,)
14. To the lake, to the lake, gives us the color, setting us apart from other art materials like ink blots, and lumps of clay and pencil lead, and what do they do with the pastels? (翻译:To the lake, to the lake, 给予我们颜色 让我们别具一格 gives us the color, setting us apart 有别于其它艺术工具 比如说墨染 from other art materials like ink blots,)
15. Gear up. We got a dead body in Lake Ridge. (翻译:带上装备 在Lake ridge发现了一具尸体)