marly slate是什么意思 marly slate的中文翻译、读音、例句

marly slate是什么意思 marly slate的中文翻译、读音、例句

marly slate的中文解释是"地质",作为名词时有"泥灰板岩层"的意思,单词读音音标为[marlyslate],marly slate是一个英语名词,在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到81个与marly slate相关的例句。

Marly slate的翻译


例句:Gabriel if you accept Interpol will wipe your slate totally. (加布里埃尔,如果你同意, 国际刑警组织清除你的历史。)


例句:Now we've got a chance to liquidate and start over with a clean slate. (现在我们有个机会清理债务 重新干净地开始)


marly slate一般作为名词使用,如在marly(泥灰土的 )、slate(石板)、on the slate(记在账上)等常见短语中出现较多。

on the slate记在账上
slate for提名为;内定为;任命为
marly facies泥灰岩相
marly limestone泥灰石灰石
marly ooze泥灰质软泥
marly sandstone泥灰砂岩
marly shale泥灰质页岩


1. There was a long slate of estimable speakers but as the evening wore on I began to lose attention. (翻译:当晚许多重量级的专家都出席了会议并发表了演说,但随着夜幕降临,我逐渐失去了注意力。)

2. The "blank slate" was an influential idea in the 20th century. (翻译:在二十世纪里,“空白的石板”是很有影响的观点。)

3. Experimental identification of the structure safety in the section of Silurian slate with sandwiched phyllite in Wushaoling Tunnel (翻译:乌鞘岭隧道志留系板岩夹千枚岩地段结构验证试验研究)

:// (翻译://

5. With Michael and me... that slate's never going to be clean. (翻译:都会一笔勾销的 我和Michael... 我们之间的账永远不会算清的)

6. The area has been mined for slate for centuries. (翻译:这个地区开采板岩有数百年了。)

7. Please don't take this as a betrayal, but I won't be on the same slate as Nottola. (翻译:请不要觉得这是背叛 但是我不想跟诺托拉同流合污)

8. No one is trying to wipe the slate clean. (翻译:没人想掩盖事实 No one is trying to wipe the slate clean.)

9. And the man behind their meteoric ascent was the late fight impresario, Dante Slate. (翻译:他俩成名的幕后推手 便是已故职业拳击经纪人丹迪·斯莱特)

10. The "blank slate" was an influential idea in the 20th century. (翻译:在二十世纪里,“空白的石板”是很有影响的观点。)

11. This will pretty much give you a blank slate. (翻译:这样你差不多就可以从头开始了 This will pretty much give you a blank slate.)

12. One job, I wipe your slate clean and you have your restaurant. (翻译:完成这事,你欠的债就一笔勾消 你也可以去开餐厅)

13. She's in every brick, every stone, every slate. (翻译:她附体在每一块转... 每一块石,每一块板)

14. Apiece of slate caught him right in the neck and cut his head clear off. (翻译:一片碎石正中他的颈部 干净利落地斩下了他的头)

15. Common foliated metamorphic rocks include gneiss, schist and slate. (翻译:通常具叶理的变质岩包括片麻岩、片岩和板岩。)

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