marlites是什么意思 marlites的中文翻译、读音、例句

marlites是什么意思 marlites的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:You've got to understand, Maria. I'm in this war to the finish. (你要明白, María 这场战争我要打到底)


例句:Mar... my gallant Marten threw me on the ground and I had to say, (Mar... 我英勇的 Marten把我摔到地上, 我不得不说)


例句:Extra navigational equipment optional on US mar-ket helicopters. (额外的导航设备在美国xx月-酮直升机可选的。)


1. Extra navigational equipment optional on US mar-ket helicopters. (翻译:额外的导航设备在美国xx月-酮直升机可选的。)

2. It is very important to divide the missing data into three manners: missing at random (MAR), missing not at random (MNAR) and missing completely at random (MCAR). (翻译:将数据缺失方式划分为随机缺失,非随机缺失与完全随机缺失,这对于合理编写缺失数据推估程序,正确选用估算方法有很重要的意义。)

3. Now, tougher economic times threaten even that budget, and could mar plans for what was to have been a glorious Olympic legacy. (翻译:眼下经济紧缩的时期影响着这个预算,并且可能阻碍办一场显赫的奥运盛会的计划。)

4. Across the river is a wide-open town - Del Mar Falls. (翻译:在河对面有一个大开门户的小镇 -戴尔马瀑布)

5. Mar : I agree with Roy's very complete review. Good luck to you with your English studies and with your earthquake recovery. (翻译:我同意罗伊非常全部审查意见。祝你好运与您的英文研究报告和您那里的地震恢复。)

6. I want you to take-- Can I have the mar-- (翻译:我想要你把那个... 我能要回那些弹...)

7. Sol Jandia Mar is located just 150 m from a long, sandy beach perfect for water sports and 1 km from the peaceful fishing village of Morro Jable. (翻译:这是一个和平诉诸美丽的花园,为家庭和夫妻谁不想享受一个平静的假期只有150米距离的加那利群岛的最好的海滩之一完美包围。)

8. How to let more people know your products and services and open up broader mar -ket ? (翻译:如何让更多的人了解您的企业、产品和服务?如何开拓更广阔的市场?)

9. The journey culminates with a gathering of centre-left leaders at Vina del Mar, a Chilean beach resort. (翻译:本次旅行将以中左政党领导人在智利海边度假胜地维纳德马的聚会而告终。)

10. Debbie Parkhurst with her dog, Toby, in Calvert, Maryland, USA, Mar. (翻译:今年xx月xx日,黛比派客赫斯特和她的狗陶比在美国马里兰州卡尔弗特市。)

11. mr . selwyn mar is widely recognized in the field of auditing. (翻译:马绍援先生为执业会计师,在审计专业范畴上得到社会人士的广泛认同。)

12. No, Maria. What I do now, I do alone. (翻译:不, María 我现在要干的事,我要单独去)

13. Cuban cowboy tries to wrestle down a steer during the 12th Boyeros Cattleman 's Fair in Havana, Mar. (翻译:xx月xx日在古巴哈瓦那的第十二届布宜诺斯畜牧博览会上,一名古巴牛仔试著驯服一只小公牛。)

14. The effect of TM2 on transcription regulated by heat-inducible promoter indicated that the MAR did not change the regulation pattern but improved the expression level of the heat-inducible promoter. (翻译:热诱导型启动子的研究表明, TM2仅提高热诱导的表达强度, 而不改变启动子的热诱导表达调控特性。)

15. In Mar. 2003, products were certified by China Quality Certification Center and got CQC certifications. (翻译:xx年xx月经过中国质量认证中心审核,获得CQC认证证书。)



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