masonberg是什么意思 masonberg的中文翻译、读音、例句

masonberg是什么意思 masonberg的中文翻译、读音、例句



例句:He would wave at his kids Jessica and Mason. (他会向Jessica 和 Mason孩子挥手)


例句:Now, Mason is just doing what has to be done. (听着, Mason只是在执行自己的职责.)


1. Now, I'm not talking about willie Stark for the mayor of Mason City. No, sir. (翻译:我不是在说要做Mason镇长的Willie Stark 不是这样)

2. Mason Rutledge, you have the right to remain silent. (翻译:Mason Rutledge 你有权利保持缄默 Mason Rutledge, you have the right to remain silent.)

3. Mason, we're sending a team and I'm leading it. (翻译:Mason, 我们将派出小队,我来领队.)

4. My name is willie Stark from Mason City yonder. (翻译:我叫Willie Stark 从Mason城那边来的)

5. Hey. Mason Hunston. I'm the owner. (翻译:- 我是Mason Hunston 店主)

6. We haven't officially met. Mason Braverman. (翻译:我们没有正式访问 我是Mason Braverman)

7. Look, Mason, you're not my superior. I don't take my orders from you. (翻译:听着 Mason 你不是我的上司 我不必听你的命令)

8. Mason accompanies Jack to Saugus. (翻译:梅森和杰克结伴一起前去索格斯。)

9. Hmm,did I mention that he's professor mason's T.A.? (翻译:嗯 我有提过 他是Mason教授的助教吗?)

10. Andrew Berg of London Analyst Group RUSI says the report stretched the west patience with Iran. (翻译:伦敦研究机构RUSI的Andrew Berg说这份报告让西方对伊朗的耐心耗尽了。)

11. Craig Mason is Paul Millander's adopted son. (翻译:Craig Mason是Paul Millander领养的儿子)

12. He read a few lines, and looked wrathfully at Berg. (翻译:他念了几行,便凶狠地瞟了贝格一眼。)

13. But Mason is protecting his flanks. (翻译:但梅森正在捍卫自己的侧翼。)

14. Recordings were an important part of the work of the Alban Berg Quartet. (翻译:录音都表明了贝尔格四重奏工作的重要组成部分。)

15. Recordings were an important part of the work of the Alban Berg Quartet. (翻译:录音都表明了贝尔格四重奏工作的重要组成部分。)

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