masons rule是什么意思 masons rule的中文翻译、读音、例句

masons rule是什么意思 masons rule的中文翻译、读音、例句

masons rule在英语中代表"梅森规则"的意思,作为名词时有"梅森规则"的意思,单词读音音标为[masonsrule],masons rule来源于英语,在《瓦里希英汉词典》中,共找到46个与masons rule相关的例句。

Masons rule的释义


例句:Oh yeah, rule number two... (是啊 第二条规矩... Oh yeah, rule number two...)


masons rule一般作为名词使用,如在masons(n. 石匠, 砖瓦匠( mason的复数形式 ))、george masons([网络] 乔治梅森\n(george mason 的复数))、james masons([网络] 詹姆斯·梅森;詹姆斯梅逊;詹姆士梅逊\n(james mason 的复数))等常见短语中出现较多。

masonsn. 石匠, 砖瓦匠( mason的复数形式 )
george masons[网络] 乔治梅森\n(george mason 的复数)
james masons[网络] 詹姆斯·梅森;詹姆斯梅逊;詹姆士梅逊\n(james mason 的复数)
masons float瓦工镘刀
masons level泥瓦工用水准器
masons' lung[医] 肺石末沉着病
perry masonsn. 佩里·梅森
if then rule若─则规则
rule in[网络] 以纳入法;划入


1. Five-second rule on the ground. (翻译:落地五秒的准则 My burritos! Five -second rule on the ground.)

2. These girls are also working in big construction companies like Ram-ki construction, as masons, full-time masons. (翻译:她们也在大型的建筑公司工作 比如在 Ram-ki 建筑公司当全职的建筑工人 )

3. If one does not submit to the rule of the Khan... (翻译:如果有人不归顺可汗... If one does not submit to the rule of the Khan...)

4. You stand before your peers, Masons and doctors both. (翻译:你面对你的同伴... 既是互济会员又是医生.)

5. In Tanzania, masons will provide a concrete slab to install above a pit latrine for $5. (翻译:在坦桑尼亚,石匠们只要5美元就能用混凝土板给你在茅坑上面垒个厕所。)

6. What was the rule about your tricks? (翻译:还记得我怎么跟你说的吗 What was the rule about your tricks?)

7. You simply rule from behind the scenes. (翻译:只隐藏在背后当推手 You simply rule from behind the scenes.)

8. And you and I will rule beside it. (翻译:而你我在旁辅佐 And you and I will rule beside it.)

9. You and I will rule this world. (翻译:我和你将统治这个世界 You and I will rule this world.)

10. But I forgot the first rule: (翻译:可惜我忘记了首要的规则 But I forgot the first rule:)

11. No, I have a very strict rule against dating colleagues. (翻译:I have a very strict rule against dating colleagues.)

12. What about rule number two? (翻译:那第二条规定呢? What about rule number two?)

13. The rule of law is less firmly established, over there. (翻译:那儿法律条例也不太稳固 and rule of law is less firmly established over there.)

14. We have trained girls as carpenters, as masons, as security guards, as cab drivers. (翻译:我们还把一些孩子训练成为木匠师傅 成为建筑工人 成为保安或者是计程车司机)

15. And perhaps the most important rule of all... (翻译:也许最重要的规则就是, And perhaps the most important rule of all...)

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