organic led是什么意思 organic led的中文翻译、读音、例句

organic led是什么意思 organic led的中文翻译、读音、例句

organic led的意思是"有机",在英美地区还有"有机"的意思,在线读音是[organicled],organic led来源于英语,在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到70个与organic led相关的例句。

Organic LED的中文翻译


例句:- I fear I was led to the same conclusion. (- We have a winner. - I fear I was led to the same conclusion.)


organic led一般作为名词使用,如在organic LED(有机LED)、led(lead的过去式和过去分词\n[计] 发光二极管)、led into([网络] 导致;领进;导致成)等常见短语中出现较多。

organic LED有机LED
ledlead的过去式和过去分词\n[计] 发光二极管
led into[网络] 导致;领进;导致成
led on[网络] 指示灯显示;亮;动作电流
led on to[网络] 引导到
led tona. 通向\n[网络] 导致;导致了
led with把……作为头条新闻或重要报导
dichromatic LED双色发光二极管
dome led圆顶发光二极体


1. Its accuracy will influence the accuracy of LED die bonder. (翻译:其精度直接影响到LED粘片的精度。)

2. nowadays everybody has leds and even in nightclub at that time I remember to cover the pyramid with leds we had to ask all dealers in the US they came from everywhere, it wasn't that easy (翻译:现在你可能觉得没什么,大家都用LED灯,夜店里都是 但是在那个时候 我记得,要想把整个金字塔都布上LED灯,)

3. Citric Acid (from beet sugar ), Organic Acerola Berry, Natural Flavors , may contain Organic Black Carrots, Organic Black Currant, Organic Apple, Organic Carrot, Organic Pumpkin, . (翻译:纯天然有机棒棒糖,完全可以放心食用哦,口味酸酸甜甜,也不会过敏。)

4. The books also have high-packed LEDs on the spines. So it's all display. (翻译:这些书的书脊上集成了LED光源,作为显示平面。)

5. This may be organic in letter, but it's surely not organic in spirit. (翻译:从定义上来讲这可能是有机的,但从本质上并不是。)

6. So this was obviously an organic city, part of an organic cycle. (翻译:因此,显然他是一个有机城市 属于有机循环中的一个部分 )

7. I began to make LED sculptures that would live inside little boxes out of MDF. (翻译:我开始做LED雕塑 放在中纤板做的小盒子中)

8. Led Zeppelin, Stones... early Stones, not later Stones. (翻译:Led Zeppelin, Stones -- 早期的Stones, 而不是后期的Stones.)

9. And this is where the solar cell and the LED come in. (翻译:这就是为什么前面提到太阳能电池和LED )

10. Research on Optical Engine of DLP RPTV Based on LED (翻译:采用LED光源DLP背投电视光学引擎的研究)

11. Led Zeppelin. Deep Purple. Pink Floyd. (翻译:《Led Zeppelin》《Deep Purple》 《Pink Flo d》《天堂》)

12. Are organic fruits and veggies really worth the cost? (翻译:有机蔬菜真的货真价实吗 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}Are organic fruits and veggies really worth the cost?)

13. Unlike other light sources, LEDs don't "burn out;" they simply get dimmer over time. (翻译:不像其他光源,LED灯不会“熄灭”;它们只会随着时间增长变暗。)

14. The tattoos led to Guerrero. (翻译:要不是纹身 也找不到Guerrero The tattoos led to Guerrero.)

15. You know, you -- you could have led with the diary. (翻译:you - - you could have led with the diary.)

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