organoleptic test是什么意思 organoleptic test的中文翻译、读音、例句

organoleptic test是什么意思 organoleptic test的中文翻译、读音、例句

organoleptic test在中文中有"化"的意思,作为名词时有"感官分析"的意思,在线发音:[organoleptictest],organoleptic test是一个英语名词,在《大课标百科词典》中,共找到20个与organoleptic test相关的例句。

Organoleptic test的翻译


例句:For example, B5 refers to test eax,eax. (例如,B5 代表 test eax,eax。)


例句:We still have to test her. (我们还要测试她 We still have to test her.)


organoleptic test一般作为名词使用,如在organoleptic(影响器官(尤指味觉、嗅觉或视觉器官)的, 器官感觉的)、organoleptic attribute([食品] 感官特性)、organoleptic data(感官(测定)的资料[数据])等常见短语中出现较多。

organoleptic影响器官(尤指味觉、嗅觉或视觉器官)的, 器官感觉的
organoleptic attribute[食品] 感官特性
organoleptic data感官(测定)的资料[数据]
organoleptic estimation感官估价
organoleptic ethods[医] 感觉鉴别法
organoleptic evaluation感官评价
organoleptic examination感官检验
organoleptic investigaation[网络] 感官评定;感官分析
organoleptic investigation感官分析,感官评定


1. Click the Test2 process instance link. (翻译:单击test2流程实例链接。)

2. - Take it for a test spin. (翻译:- 试站一下。- 嗯。- Take it for a test spin.)

3. Standard personality test. (翻译:标准性格测试 行为评估 刺激反应 Standard personality test.)

4. He ordered a breathalyzer test and... (翻译:他做了一个酒精测试然后... He ordered a breathalyzer test and...)

5. [Kublai] I have a test for you. (翻译:朕要考验你 I have a test for you.)

6. The doctor got the test results back. (翻译:医生拿到检测结果了 The doctor got the test results back.)

7. - The Lord is testing you. (翻译:上帝在考验你 Lord is putting you to the test)

8. Listing 9. JSON-formatted result for test2.xml. (翻译:清单9 . test2 . xml的json格式化结果。)

9. - Somebody's gotta take Liam. - Uh, I got a calculus test. (翻译:I got a calculus test.)

10. You mean like a beta test? (翻译:是像公开测试那种吗 You mean like a beta test?)

11. I do not want to have a scene here. (翻译:Sue, do not test me. I do not want to have a scene here.)

12. "and that the test results were 99 % certain." (翻译:鉴定结果准确率99% and that the test results were 99% certain.)

13. - I got 90 on my algebra test. (翻译:我代数得90分 I got 90 on my algebra test)

14. Listing 2. test1 memwatch.log file. (翻译:清单2 . test1 memwatch . log文件。)

15. So we test our talents everywhere (翻译:So we test our talents everywhere)

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