orientating function是什么意思 orientating function的中文翻译、读音、例句

orientating function是什么意思 orientating function的中文翻译、读音、例句

orientating function通常被翻译为"定位作用"的意思,其中文解释还有"定位作用"的意思,发音是[orientatingfunction],orientating function来源于英语,在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到24个与orientating function相关的例句。

Orientating function的词典翻译


例句:what function do you perform in the department? (不 大臣是问 你在这个部门任什么职务? what function do you perform in the department?)


orientating function一般作为名词使用,如在orientating(v. 朝向( orientate的现在分词 ); 面向; 确定方向; 使适应)、meta orientating(adj. 间位定向的)、orientating action(定向作用)等常见短语中出现较多。

orientatingv. 朝向( orientate的现在分词 ); 面向; 确定方向; 使适应
meta orientatingadj. 间位定向的
orientating action定向作用
orientating functin定位作用
orientating group[化] 定向基; 定位基
orientating line定向线
orientating reaction[医] 朝向反应
orientating reflex[医] 朝向反射
orientating response[网络] 定向反应


1. It requires a person to access function. (翻译:只有人类才能访问 It requires a person to access function.)

2. Is it function or fashion? (翻译:Is it function or fashion?)

3. So there has to be function, the function has to be predictable and the cost has to be low. (翻译:所以说,它们要有一定的功能,功能要可以想得到 此外开销也必须低廉)

4. The function mechanism divides into the basic function mechanism, crosswise function mechanism, longitudinal function mechanism. (翻译:作用机制分为基本作用机制,横向作用机制,纵向作用机制。)

5. What thermodynamic function is naturally a function of N, V, T? (翻译:什么热力学量,是V,N和T的自然函数? )

6. Finding an external function in an import library informs the linker that the code for that function is in a DLL . (翻译:在导入库中找到外部函数后,会通知链接器此函数的代码在DLL中。)

7. So my only function was to be someone she could use to escape? (翻译:所以我的唯一功能 就是扮演被她利用来逃脱的人 So my only function was to be someone she could use to escape?)

8. Write an index_function that will generate a key that can be used for sorting each element of the unsorted list. (翻译:编写一个index_function生成一个键,该键用于对未排序列表的元素进行排序。)

9. Conclusion: the yiqi huoxue oral liquid has significant immunoenhancement function, it also has antivirus function and antibiotic function. (翻译:结论:益气活血口服液有明显的免疫增强作用,对小儿常见呼吸道病毒、细菌均有一定的抑制作用。)

10. Copy the SQPLTRC executable into sqllib \ function \ unfenced. (翻译:将sqpltrc可执行文件复制到sqllib \ function \ unfenced中。)

11. This type of object is known as a functor or function object. (翻译:这种类型的对象称为functor或者function object。)

12. Physical pain serves a function. (翻译:肉体上的痛苦是有用的 Physical pain serves a function.)

13. Providing output storage by the calling function ensures the reentrancy of the function. (翻译:由进行调用的函数准备输出存储空间确保了函数的可重入性。)

14. Use the add function instead of the Array. Enqueue function. (翻译:使用add函数而不是Array.enqueue函数。)

15. In the Use function box, select the function that you want to use to calculate the subtotals. (翻译:在使用函数框里,选择要计算分类汇总的函数。)

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