original beam在中文中有"原射线束"的意思,在英美地区还有"原射线束"的意思,发音是[originalbeam],original beam在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《英语发音在线词典》中,共找到36个与original beam相关的例句。
Original beam的翻译
例句:My name´s Nick. Nick Beam. Nice to meet you. (我叫Nick,Nick Beam 很高兴认识你)
original beam一般作为名词使用,如在original(①起源的②原创的 )、in the original(用原本的……)、or as original(或如原保险单)等常见短语中出现较多。
original | ①起源的②原创的 |
in the original | 用原本的…… |
or as original | 或如原保险单 |
the original | 原文 |
beam | ①光束②横梁 |
on the beam | 航向正确 |
the beam | [网络] 横梁;光束;雄鸡驮木梁 |
to beam | [网络] 播送;色夷 |
drafted original | 原稿图 |
1. ♪ Game of Thrones 1x10 ♪ Fire and Blood Original Air Date on June 19, 2011 (翻译:? Game of Thrones 1x10 ? Fire and Blood Original Air Date on June 19, 2011)
2. This is the original booking slip for our forger? (翻译:这是那个伪造者的原始收押书吗 This is the original booking slip for our forger?)
3. One to beam down, Mr. Scott. (翻译:斯科特 送我下去 One to beam down, Mr.)
4. This fondue set is original, too. (翻译:这个奶酪火锅装置也是原版的 This fondue set is original, too.)
5. I want you to make something original... (翻译:我要你做些原创的东西... I want you to make something original...)
6. We can keep it at the original $1,000. (翻译:还按之前说好的 一千吧 we can keep it at the original thousand dollars.)
7. Every seven years these demons need human organs, a brain and a heart, to maintain their humanity, or they revert back to their original form which is slightly less appealing. (翻译:a brain and a heart or they revert back to their original form 很瘦小的样子 which is slightly less appealing.)
8. Original tin, original tile, original tool. (翻译:瓶瓶罐罐是原来的 瓷砖是原来的 工具也是原来的)
9. That´s what I told her. I´m Nick Beam. (翻译:这就是我要对她说的 我是Nick Beam)
10. The related relations of the beam effective emittance growth and beam phase ellipse equations are given. (翻译:给出了束流有效发射度的增长关系和边界方程序。)
11. We tried to keep it as close to the original as possible. (翻译:我们想尽力将它恢复原貌 We tried to keep it as close to the original as possible.)
12. calculating parameter of the laser beam expander through the laser beam expander calculator automatically. (翻译:以及上述激光扩束计算器自动计算上述激光扩束器的参数。)
13. ♪ Game of Thrones 1x09 ♪ Baelor Original Air Date on June 12, 2011 (翻译:? Game of Thrones 1x09 ? Baelor Original Air Date on June 12, 2011)
14. - Terms of the original bequest. (翻译:规定专款专用的 对 是合伙基金 Terms of the original bequest.)
15. That was not the original deal. (翻译:那可不是你此行的目的 你全搞砸了 That was not the original deal.)