original consignment note在中文中有"货物运单正件"的意思,还经常被翻译为货物运单正件,单词读音音标为[originalconsignmentnote],original consignment note是一个英语名词,在《现代英语词典》中,共找到51个与original consignment note相关的句子。
Original consignment note的释义
例句:Original tin, original tile, original tool. (瓶瓶罐罐是原来的 瓷砖是原来的 工具也是原来的)
original consignment note一般作为名词使用,如在rail consignment note([网络] 铁路托运单;铁路运输单据;航空运单)、railway consignment note([经] 铁路托运单)、road consignment note([网络] 公路托运单)等常见短语中出现较多。
rail consignment note | [网络] 铁路托运单;铁路运输单据;航空运单 |
railway consignment note | [经] 铁路托运单 |
road consignment note | [网络] 公路托运单 |
through consignment note | [经] 直达装运单 |
consignment | 委托 |
on consignment | 以寄售方式\n[经] 受托, 寄销, 托销寄售 |
original | ①起源的②原创的 |
in the original | 用原本的…… |
or as original | 或如原保险单 |
1. including the original Pyramus. (翻译:以及最开始的皮拉莫斯 including the original pyramus.)
2. And she is an original thinker. (翻译:想问题很有创意 And she is an original thinker.)
3. The original ll Maniac gave this to me. (翻译:The original ll Maniac gave this to me.)
4. The original beef-meister? (翻译:是真有那么大尺寸 {\3cH202020}The original beefmeister?)
5. Look, take this pound note. (翻译:听着 接着这一英镑大钞 Look, take this pound note.)
6. The name derives from the fact that the technology incorporated to create the note exceeds that of the original. (翻译:这种假币的名字得自这样的事实:即所使用的多种伪造技术甚至超过了真币。)
7. I must make a note of this. (翻译:我应该记下来 I must make a note of this.)
8. - Did you destroy my note? (翻译:- 你销毁了那张纸条么 - 是的 - Did you destroy my note?)
9. - Terms of the original bequest. (翻译:规定专款专用的 对 是合伙基金 Terms of the original bequest.)
10. This fondue set is original, too. (翻译:这个奶酪火锅装置也是原版的 This fondue set is original, too.)
11. Well, if you could get me the consignment to me by the 28th... (翻译:我们拿到委托书了吗... 总共21页 没错)
12. Culverton gave me faith's original note. (翻译:sometimes... 时不时有种很不妙的感觉 but I have this terrible feeling from time to time)
13. - No, Minister, you write a note. (翻译:不 大臣 写个便条 用浅色铅笔? No, Minister, you write a note.)
14. These kinds of risks suit your consignment。(翻译:这些险别适合你要投保的货物。)
15. The first consignment of food was flown in yesterday. (翻译:第一批食品昨天空运到了。)