orizaba limestone是什么意思 orizaba limestone的中文翻译、读音、例句

orizaba limestone是什么意思 orizaba limestone的中文翻译、读音、例句

orizaba limestone通常被翻译为"岩"的意思,作为名词时有"奥里扎巴灰岩"的意思,单词读音音标为[orizabalimestone],orizaba limestone常被用作名词,在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到97个与orizaba limestone相关的例句。

Orizaba limestone的释义


例句:Rock, usually limestone, composed of oolites. (岩石岩石,通常指石灰岩,由鲕粒岩组成。)


例句:And it's different than this limestone, you can see that. (粉笔比起这石灰岩就有所不同。你可以看得出来。)


orizaba limestone一般作为名词使用,如在Orizaba limestone([岩] 奥里扎巴灰岩)、orizaba([地名] [墨西哥] 奥里萨巴)、Mount Orizaba([网络] 奥里沙巴山)等常见短语中出现较多。

Orizaba limestone[岩] 奥里扎巴灰岩
orizaba[地名] [墨西哥] 奥里萨巴
Mount Orizaba[网络] 奥里沙巴山
Mt Orizaba[网络] 奥兹扎巴山
Orizaba jalap[医] 雄药喇叭
Pico de Orizaba[网络] 奥里萨巴山;奥里萨巴火山;奥利萨巴火山山峰
edge limestone竹叶状石灰岩;竖砾石灰岩
dolomite limestone白云灰岩;白云石质石灰石
dolomitic limestone白云灰岩


1. It's one of the longest and deepest limestone caves not just in the country but in the world. (翻译:它不仅是美国最长最深的石灰岩洞穴之一,也是世界上最长最深的石灰岩洞穴之一。)

2. Sulfuric acid eats away at limestone very aggressively. (翻译:硫酸对石灰石的侵蚀非常厉害。)

3. The 'terroir' there is known for the purity of the limestone. (翻译:这里的特产是纯净的石灰石。)

4. The open pit makes 15% of the country's extracted fluxing limestone. (翻译:这个露天矿场产出了这个国家15%的提纯稀石灰。)

5. The large limestone caves are also quarried for cement. (翻译:这些大石灰岩洞也用来开采水泥原料。)

6. Reservoir Characteristics and Evaluation of Carboniferous Bioclastic Limestone in Central Tarim Basin (翻译:塔里木盆地中部石炭系生屑灰岩储集层特征及评价)

7. Silicified limestone is extensively developed in the Xikuangshan antimony deposit. (翻译:锡矿山锑矿硅化灰岩发育广泛。)

8. We want to buy Travertine, Limestone and Marble. (翻译:我们要采购石灰华,石灰石和大理石。)

9. The area is being quarried for limestone. (翻译:这地方正在开采石灰石。)

10. Solutional processes have widened and deepened the grykes of the limestone pavement. (翻译:溶蚀作用使石灰石路面的灰岩深沟变宽变深。)

11. The open pit makes 15% of the country's extracted fluxing limestone. (翻译:这个露天矿场产出了这个国家15%的提纯稀石灰。)

12. But gradually, as the buildings are repaired, we will see the accretion of a limestone reef beneath the city. (翻译:但渐渐的,当这些建筑被修复时, 我们将看到一个城市的下方逐渐堆积的石灰礁。)

13. The limestone cliff is loose and crumbling, because of hundreds of years of freezing and thawing. (翻译:石灰岩悬崖酥松容易脱落 这是数百年反复冰冻融化的结果)

14. In addition there are limestone iron ores andalusite quartz sand and kaolin etc. (翻译:此外还有石灰石、铁矿、红柱石、石英砂和高岭土等。)

15. The limestone must be calcined in such a way . (翻译:石灰石必须煅烧到这样地步。)

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